Correspondence to: Hyun seo, Nam, Gangwon-do wonju city sangjidae-gil 83, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University, Tel: +82-10-9527-5568, E-mail:
Received April 6, 2023 Revised April 20, 2023 Accepted May 10, 2023
This study was conducted to examine the current status of traditional korean medicine studies on gastroesophageal reflux disease in Korea, identify deficiencies, and suggest the direction of future medicine research methods to lay the foundation for traditional korean medicine treatment. All domestic papers on the korean traditional treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease were selected among the literature published until August 2022 in six domestic databases. A total of 52 selected research data were classified into experimental research papers, clinical research papers, and review papers. In experimental papers, to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, improvement of esophageal mucosal lesions, anti-inflammatory mechanisms, antioxidant mechanisms, esophageal mucosal protection mechanisms, gastric peristalsis control, and gastric acid secretion inhibition mechanisms were used as evaluation measures. In the clinical research paper, the basis for diagnosis of cases was clinical symptoms through medical history listening and diagnosis through visits to hospitals in the past. The average treatment period was 40.7 days, and the duration of treatment was not significantly affected by the duration of the disease. The most widely used Korean medicine treatment intervention was herbal medicine. There were 3 literature review studies, 3 systematic literature review and meta-analysis studies, 1 comparative review study for clinical trial guideline development, all using Chinese papers. This study included all domestic papers on gastroesophageal reflux disease to identify the research trend of the Korean oriental medicine community, and based on this, it is meaningful to confirm areas that need to be supplemented in future research plans.
Clinical Case Report of PPI-refractory Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) with Korean Medicine Treatment - A Focus on Evaluation of the Abdominal Examination
The severity of chest pain was decreased. The self-reported dyspepsia degree also decreased. KGSRS and GIS score was decreased. FD-QOL score was increased.
Symptoms of GERD such as chest pain, heartburn, and acid regurgitation are almost disappeared. The patient don’t need to take the proton pump inhibitor therapy. There was significant increase of % bradygastria parameters in fed EGG. And significant increase of the power ratio was shown.
Symptoms of GERD such as chest pain, heartburn, and acid regurgitation are almost disappeared. The patient don’t need to take the proton pump inhibitor therapy. There was significant increaseof % bradygastria parameters in fed EGG. And significant increase of the power ratio was shown.
Clinical characteristics were improved (acid regurgitation and heartburn). Each symptom score of NDI-K, KGSRS, NRS, SQDQ, and PGIC showed significant advances.
A female patient’s symptoms such as dyspepsia, chest discomfort were almost cured. But they increased with patient’s emotional state repeatedly. A male patient’ symptoms such as abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, heart burn were successfully disappeared.
The study developed a standard tool for pattern identification of gastroesophageal reflux disease (PIGERD) for standardized diagnosis. Four pattern identifications [pattern/syndrome of liver qi invading the stomach (肝胃不和), spleen-stomach weakness (脾胃虛弱), spleen-stomach dampness-heat (脾胃濕熱), and stomach yin deficiency (胃陰不足)] and 49 symptoms were then selected.
The questionnaire showed that the reorganized standard tool had high reliability and moderate validity.(Cronbach alpha=0.834, intra class correlation coefficient of 0.907)
the GERD with globus senstion group (GS group) the GERD without globus senstion grou p (non-GSgroup)
The duration of the symptom in the GS group was significantly longer than that in the non-GS group. In HRV parameters, the non-GS group showed a significantly higher value of total power and high frequency than the GS group.
Table 5
Clinical Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
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