1. General requirements
The submission requirements for the Journal of Korean Medicine were formed based on the
provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, and the details not stated on the following shall follow the general rule of the above form.
1-1. Scope and type of draft
The Journal of Korean Medicine is an open-access peer-reviewed journal published four times a year. In JKM high-quality studies of Korean medicine and related sciences are published. The types of draft include original articles, reviews, clinical and case reports, brief reports, etc.
1-2. Qualifications of the author
The qualification of the author is being a member of the Society of Korean Medicine or a scholar of Korean Medicine or related studies.
1-3. Status and order of publication
All drafts shall be examined by multiple examiners appointed by the editorial board and determined for publication after review by the editorial board. The selected drafts shall be published in the order of submission of the final draft.
1-4. Overlapping and/or unauthorized publications
Drafts with the same detail in the same language already published in another journal or other forms of periodic publications cannot be published in JKM, and the drafts published in JKM cannot be reproduced in another journal without permission.
1-5. Examination and publication fees
When a draft is published the author is responsible for a fee of 200,000 Korean Won per paper.
1-6. Protection of human rights of the patient
In case of case reports, the confidentiality of the patients must be protected. Reporting the name, chart number, and precise date should be avoided and precaution must be taken to not expose the identity of the patient.
1-7. Research ehtics
Research of humans subjects should adhere to the ethical standard of the Declaration of Helsinki (
http://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-princeples-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects), and be should be approved by an independent Institute Review Board (IRB). Animal experimental studies should be approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or state that it adheres to the ethical requirements of the corresponding institution or the NIH guide for the care and use of laboratory animals.
1-8. The role of the editorial board
Various inquiries related to forwarding and editing of the drafts should be directed to the editorial board, and the editorial board may request corrections to the author concerning the style, length of the draft. When needed, corrections on the wording and style of the draft can be made by the resolution of the editorial board within the range of not affecting the original text. All drafts are not to be returned after submission.
1-9. Copyright
The copyright on all drafts published in JKM is owned by the Society of Korean Medicine.
2. Journal publication and paper submission
of March, June, September, and December), and drafts are submitted at the editorial board year-round. The date of submission of the draft to the editorial board is determined to be the submission date, and the date of completion of corrections after the examination is determined as the selection of the draft. (2019.3.19. amendment)
3. Article submission method
4. Original article style
The order of the draft should be in the order of the title page, abstract, key words, texts, acknowledgements, references, table & figure, and legends (except for clinical & case reports and reviews), and the text is divided into title, introduction, materials (subject) and method, result, discussion, and conclusion (summary).
4-1. Original article form
Drafts are written using MS word, with the Times Roman font in size of 10point. Emphasis is made using italic letters.
4-2. Title page
On the title page, 1) a brief Korean and English title communicating the contents well (all words must be capitalized except for prepositions and articles), 2) full names of authors in Korean and English, 3) research funds, etc., 4) name and address, etc. of the corresponding author (including telephone, fax, and e-mail addresses) should be written. When the Korean title exceeds 30 characters or English title exceeds 15 words, the running head is inserted separately on the title page (no more than 10 characters in case of Korean and no more than 5 words in case of English).
4-3. Author
The individuals listed on the draft as authors of the article must be qualified as an author. Each author must be the person who has participated adequately in the research to the extent of being able to take responsibility for the details of research. The author is qualified only in case of 1) contributing to establishing basic concept of research, planning of research and analysis & interpretation of materials, 2) making considerable contribution in changing or improving main parts of indicated details or preparing the draft, 3) being able to consent to the details of the final draft. Authors are classified as ①the first author, ②corresponding author, and ③other authors while the order marked on the draft shall be in the order of first author followed by other authors. The corresponding author is marked separately at the bottom. The editor may inquire as to what work each author was in charge of in the research.
4-4. Abstract
English abstract is used in the draft. In the abstract, the English title, names of authors (in the order of first name-last name), name of organization and details of the abstract, while the length of details shall be no more than 250 words in case of English abstract. The abstract should be recorded in the form of Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions including the following details.
Objectives: describe briefly and clearly with 1-2 sentences on why this research was performed and what the objective to be accomplished is. The objective recorded here must correspond with the title of the article and details stated in the introduction.
Methods: describe specifically on what has been done and how, in order to accomplish the objective described in the first paragraph. What materials are collected, how these materials are analyzed and how bias was adjusted are recorded.
Results: the details on what the results observed and analyzed using the method described in previous paragraph were should be logically descried while presenting specific data.
Conclusions: the result derived from the outcome of this research is described with 1-2 sentences and this must be the one corresponding to the objective of research described in the first paragraph.
The key words of the study are marked as no more than 6 words at the bottom of the abstract. At this time, the key words must use MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) listed on the Index Medicus. When the word is Korean medicine terminology, Korean medicine prescription name or name of an acupuncture point, record by referring to WHO-IST and WHO international standard for acupuncturing parts.
※ WHO International Standard Terminology (WHO-IST)
4-5. Text
The text should be in the order of Introduction, Subject or Material and method, Discussion, Conclusion and References. Each chapter can be combined or omitted if necessary. Clinical or case reports and reviews can take other form. In the introduction, the research objective and a brief background should be mentioned. The method should include descriptions of the subjects of the study including laboratory animals, methods used, experiment tools (state manufacturer and model) and procedures, etc. It should be described adequately and in detail to make it possible for other researchers to reproduce the same study. The statistical examination of result must be recorded as well. The inclusion and exclusion criteria of the experimental group and control group must be described clearly. If the subject of the study is human, the author should ensure correct use of the terms sex--when reporting biological factors-- and gender—when reporting the identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and describe the methods used to determine the biological sex and sociocultural gender. However, in case of animals or cells the biological sex should be identified. If the researcher studied only one sex or gender or a specific group (race or ethnicity) as the subject of the study, adequate evidence or the limitation of the research should be described clearly. The result should be recorded in the same order as the order of diagrams but the tables in the text or the data of the illustrations cannot be written redundantly, and only the important observation results should be emphasized and summarized. The discussion should be prepared based on new and important aspects and the conclusion of the research, but literary discussion irrelevant with the results should be avoided.
Terminology: academic terminologies should be in Korean if possible and can be written in English or Chinese characters only in case there is trouble with translating them.
Abbreviation: Only standard abbreviations are used. Avoid use of abbreviations in the title and abstract. While using abbreviations for the first time in the text, mark the abbreviation using parentheses, etc. after writing the formal name first and can be marked only as the abbreviation afterwards. While it is ideal to avoid using abbreviations that are generally used if possible, the use of abbreviations for standard measuring unit is an exception.
Marking proper nouns, numbers and measurements: names of people, names of places and other proper nouns should use original language if possible while the Arabic numerals are used for numbers and metric units are used for weights and measures. The temperature is recorded in Celsius and blood pressure is recorded in mmHg. The measurements of hematology and clinical chemistry should use metric units of SI (International System of Units) method. The measured values and unit indications must be spaced.
④ Name of drug: as a principle, use general name rather than product name. However, the product name can be marked only in case it is important for evaluation of result or tracking research.
a. The name of the Korean medicine prescription should be marked by Korean pronunciation first and only the first letter is capitalized. Words that stand for ingredients such as decoction, powder, and pillet, should be indicated by lower case letters after using the hyphen(-).
e.g. Chungpesagan-tang
b. The name of herbs should not be marked only as the name of the raw material but rather include the actual parts that are used or the processing method, marked with proper English.
(e.g.) licorice (broiled) : Broiled root of Glycyrrhiza uralensis FISCH
⑤ Categorization
The categories of the text are classified with Arabic numerals.
e.g. 1, 2, 3, 1), 2), 3), (1), (2), (3)
4-6. Figure, Table
The title of Figures and Tables should be marked in English while the same rule applies for details in the table. The title of the Table should be capitalized except for prepositions and articles. The Table should be prepared without inserting horizontal or vertical lines. A number and brief title should be attached to the table according to the order quoted in the text while the title cannot use abbreviations, as a principle. The explanation on category is inserted to footnote and not inserted to the heading. Non-standard abbreviations used in tables are all explained in footnotes. In the footnote, symbols are used for explanations and they are used in the following order: *,†,‡,§,∥,¶,**,++,‡‡. Table & Figure are attached together in sequence after the text and their location is indicated in the text. Principally, the legend is marked in English, but only the first letter is capitalized and the rest is marked with lower case letters. The figure must be submitted with professional designs that are clearly prepared, and should have arrows indicating the top, name of author and serial number on the back of the page, while the title, explanation, etc. of all the figures should be recorded together on a separate page.
Tables or figures (including photographs) shall be no more than 10 in total and the exceeding expenses should be paid by the author in unavoidable cases. In case the author requests colored figures, the expenses shall be paid by the author.
4-7. Reference
The authors are responsible for checking whether the references included in the draft are quoted precisely and completely. All references are prepared in English, as a rule. English preparation of references should be prepared by referring to WHO-IST and WHO international standard for acupuncturing parts published by WHO.
※ WHO International Standard Terminology of Traditional Medicine (WHO-IST)
The references should be organized by putting serial numbers according to the order quoted in the text, indicated by putting into parenthesis as Arabic numerals in a form of superscript number at the end of the quoted phrase, making sure they correspond with the serial number of the references at the end. The abstract should not use any reference. Quoting the abstract, non-published study report, the internet, and the newspaper is to be avoided if possible. The expression “in press” should be marked at the end of the article which is selected for publication but is not published yet. English names should be written as last name first and the rest should be initialized. The number of references should be 40 or less in case of original work and 20 or less for case reports, as a principle. (However, exclusion applies for review studies.) Among all quoted studies, quoting more than two references from studies published in JKM is strongly recommended.
1) Academic research article: [Author’s last name],[Initial of author’s first name].[Initial of author’s middle name].([Publication year]). [Title]. [Name of journal], [Volume](Issue), [Pages of the paper quoted in the draft]. [DOI]
In case of having 6 or less authors, write last name first and write initials for the rest, and in case of having 7 or more authors, write six authors in order and then mark et al. Follow by marking the name of authors, publication year, title of the article, name of the academic journal, volume (issue), the first and last pages of the corresponding article and DOI.
(Example 1) Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.
2) Books: [Author’s last name], [Initial of author’s first name]. [Initial of author’s middle name]. ([Publication year]). [Title: the first word of the subtitle written in capital]. [City, abbreviation of the state /(in case of countries other than USA)Country]: [Publisher]. [DOI]
In case of quoting Korean books as well, bibliographic information should be provided in English, as a principle, and the bibliographic information can use parentheses. However, cases in which English writing is difficult can be an exception.
(Example 1) Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.
3) Chapter within book: [Author’s last name], [Initial of author’s first name]. [Initial of author’s middle name]. [Name of chapter: book editor’s name]. [Book title]. [Number of copies]. [Place of publication: publisher]. [Publication year:starting page-ending page].
(Example) Foster DW. Diabetes mellitus. In: Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, Wilson JD, Martin JB, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, eds. Harrison's textbook of medicine. 14th ed. NewYork: McGraw-Hill. 1998:2060-81.
4) Data from electronic media
(Example) Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan-Mar[cited 1996 Jun 5]; 1(1):[24 screens]. Available from: URL:
※ Use “&” when there are two authors.
※ When the number of authors is
3-6 distinguish the authors’ names with a comma, and use “&” in front of the last author’s name.
5. Drafts other than original article
General details shall be in accordance with those of Original Articles.