AbstractObjectivesThis study was aimed to share the development process of the critical pathway (CP) for the treatment and management of stroke patients admitted to a Korean medicine hospital.
MethodsA draft CP was prepared based on a review of relevant literature and medical records in the hospital, and its validity was reviewed by the in-hospital CP review committee. Each member evaluated all items in the CP on a 5-point Likert scale. Items with an average score of 3.5 or higher or an agreement rate of more than 80% were considered valid. In addition, free described opinions to improve the CP were also received from the review committee.
ResultsThe horizontal axis of the CP was composed of a time domain, including 7 time points from hospitalization to discharge. The vertical axis was composed of 9 domains of medical practice. All items in the CP satisfied the validity criteria. The CP was revised, supplemented, and completed by reflecting the opinions of the committee.
ConclusionsThis CP will be taught to in-hospital users and will continue to be used with regular monitoring and a feedback plan. This study is expected to serve as a useful reference for standardizing the treatment process and delivering measures to improve the adequacy of Korean medicine treatment for stroke patients.
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