AbstractCarbon monoxide poisoning leads to hypoxia, which eventually leads to tissue ischemia. The delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome can arise in the period from 4 days to 5 weeks following carbon monoxide poisoning. This case report describes a male who suffered from delayed sequelae after self-inflicted carbon monoxide poisoning. At the time of admission, he had symptoms of quadriplegia, both upper limb ankylosis, gait disturbance, and dysuria. He was treated with acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, physical therapy, and Uwhangchungsim-won. Paraplegia improved considerably after 7 days in hospital, and paralysis of the both upper extremities improved after 14 days in hospital. He was able to walk holding on to his wheelchair after 28 days in hospital. He was hospitalized for 55 days and was discharged from the hospital in a fine condition for everyday life. This case report suggests the possibility that korean medicine for delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome.
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