AbstractObjectivesThis study was conducted to develop a standard acupotomy consent form that takes into account the unique characteristics of Korean Medicine. The study was motivated by the increasing importance of patient autonomy and the growing number of legal disputes related to medical malpractice in the clinical field of Korean Medicine.
MethodsThe analysis phase of the study involved a survey of the current status of acupotomy consent forms in Korean Medicine hospitals nationwide. The items of each form were analyzed based on the contents of the Medical law and the standard contract for medical procedures of the Fair Trade Commission (FTC). In the development and evaluation phase, the items and contents of the acupotomy consent form were evaluated using a 5-point Likert scale and content validity was assessed through two rounds of Delphi surveys. In the improvement phase, the contents of the consent form were revised based on the results of a survey of inpatient and outpatient patients in the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion at Pusan National University Korean Medicine Hospital, and real-time online meeting. The final version of the standard acupotomy consent form was completed after undergoing proofreading and corrections by a linguistics expert.
ResultsOnly 30% of Korean Medicine hospitals have implemented acupotomy consent forms. The items of the consent forms did not fully include the items presented in the Medical act and the standard contract for medical procedures of the FTC. To address this issue, two rounds of Delphi surveys and a real-time discussion were conducted with a panel of 12 experts on 27 preliminary items of consent forms. The items and contents that met the criteria for content validity ratio, convergence, and consensus were derived. Based on the derived items and content, a standard acupotomy consent form was developed.
ConclusionsThe standard consent form for acupotomy is anticipated to ensure patient autonomy and enhance transparency and liability in acupotomy. Furthermore, it is expected to serve as evidence in case of medical disputes related to acupotomy and contribute as a reference document for the development of standard consents forms for various procedures of Korean Medicine. However, the limitations of the study include that the survey of consent forms was limited to only training hospitals of Korean Medicine, and the standard consent form is only applicable to adults in Korea. Future studies are needed to address these limitations.
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