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JKM > Volume 35(3); 2014 > Article
Song, Yang, Lee, Lee, and Kwon: A Review Study on Ryodoraku Diagnosis and Evaluation of Low Back Pain



This study aimed to evaluate Ryodoraku diagnosis and evaluation of low back pain reported in Korean, Japanese, Chinese and English.


Using web search on five Korean databases, two Japanese, one Chinese and one English, we selected studies on Ryodoraku diagnosis and evaluation of low back pain.


Our initial search returned 26 Korean studies, 17 Japanese, 2 Chinese and 1 English. From them, we found 14 studies suitable for the purpose of this study. In general low back pain, studies showed that F4 (bladder) was the most frequently suggested abnormal Ryodoraku. In specific low back pain, Ryodoraku had no recognizable relation to disease-specific low back pain, but abnormal Ryodoraku of F2 (liver) and F5 (gall bladder) was frequently observed. More foot Ryodoraku showed abnormal than hand Ryodoraku.


The diagnostic values of Ryodoraku for F2 (liver), F4 (bladder), H5 (triple energizer), F3 (kidney), and F5 (gall bladder) can be good diagnostic references, and future studies should be conducted on the aspect of differentiation of symptoms and signs.

Fig. 1.
Flowchart of Study Selection
Table 1.
Summary of Ryodoraku Status of Studies on Low Back Pain
Study LBP Sample Size DSS* H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
LU9 PC7 HT7 SI5 TE4 LI5 SP3 LR3 KI3 BL65 GB40 ST42
迫田7) Acute 120 N + + +
Chronic + +
後藤8) Acute, Chronic 100 N
梅本9) General 158 N + +
Kim10) General 103 N −(R) +(L) +(L) +(R) +(R) +(L) −(L) + +(R) +(R)
Kim11) Chronic 32 N + +
竹之內12) Myofascial 30 N +
Facet syndrome 30 +
Sciatic n. related 30 +
(Control) 30 +
Lee13) Degenerative 17 N +
Disc Herniation 24 +
Sprain 21 +,−
Oh14) So-Eum-In 17 Y + +
Oh15) So-Eum-In 17 Y NC
Tae-Eum-In 18 Y PC PC PC PC PC
Oh16)§ Kidney Deficient 37 Y
Oh17)§ Chronic 49 Y
Lin18)§ General 57 N

Abbrevation: LBP:Low Back Pain, R: Right, L:Left

LU9 太淵, PC7 大陵, HT7 神門, SI5 陽谷, TE4 陽池, LI5 陽谿, SP3 太白, LR3 太衝, KI3 太谿, BL65 束骨, GB40 丘墟, ST42 衝陽

* DSS: Y: Yes if the study was conducted by the aspect of differentiation of symptoms and signs, N: No

† each ryodoraku score had statistical differences compared with mean ryodoraku.

‡ PC: Positive Correlation, NC: Negative Correlation

§ The study was focused only on the checked ryodoraku


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