General prescription pattern of insured herbal preparation in South Korea: A nationwide cohort study
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Research on the general prescription patterns of insured herbal preparations in Korea has been limited. This study aimed to analyze prescription patterns of insured herbal preparations, utilizing the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) sample cohort 2.0 data from 2010 to 2019.
NHIS sample cohort 2.0 database, which represents a sample of 2.2% of the Korean population, was analyzed. We analyzed data related to prescriptions recognized as insured herbal preparations. Variables included patient demographics, diagnosis codes, prescription details, and healthcare institution characteristics. We examined trends over the decade, focusing on herbal formulae and single herb extracts.
During the study period, 275,358 patients visited Korean traditional medicine clinics and received at least one prescription of herbal preparations, representing 27.5% of the total sample. The number of prescriptions increased by 209%, from 34,621 in 2010 to 72,553 in 2019. Females accounted for 67% of these prescriptions, and 77% were for patients aged 70 and older. The top ten herbal formulae (TTHF), including Ojeok-san and Gungha-tang, constituted 76% of all prescriptions. Herbal formulae were used more frequently than single herb extracts, with certain prescriptions being commonly utilized. There was a notable focus on musculoskeletal disorders, with low back pain being the most common diagnosis.
The study demonstrates a significant increase in the use of insured herbal preparations, primarily in small clinics and among the elderly. Prescription patterns showed a preference for specific single herb extracts and herbal formulae, with consistent trends over time. These findings provide valuable insights for future clinical research and policy development, particularly as herbal medicine's role in the national healthcare system continues to expand.

Average number of insured herbal preparation prescriptions
The average number of prescriptions was calculated by year and stratified according to the patient's age and sex.

Prescription trends of Herbal formula by year
OJS: Ojeok-san, HPS: Hyangsapyeongwi-san, SRT: Socheongryong-tang, SSE: Samso-eum, GMT: Gumiganghwal-tang, PWS: Pyeongwi-san, BWT: Bojungikgi-tang, IPT: Insampaedok-san, NSS: Naeso-san, GSS: Gamisoyo-san, GGT: Galgeun-tang, BBC: Banhabaekchulcheonma-tang, YPS: Yeongyopaedok-san, IJT: Ijin-tang, HYT: Hyeonggaeyeongo-tang, HST: Haengso-tang, BJS: Bulhwang-eumjeonggi-san, SOT: Sosiho-tang, CGT: Cheong-sanggyeontong-tang, SBT: Sigyeongbanha-tang, PMT: Palmul-tang, JGT: Ja-eumganghwa-tang, DGT: Daesiho-tang, GGH: Galgeunhaegi-tang, BHT: Boheo-tang, IUT: Ijung-tang, HHT: Hwangryeonhaedok-tang, DHE: Daehwajung-eum, GHT: Gungha-tang, HSS: Haengso-tang, SJT: Sihogyeji-tang, DRT: Daecheongryong-tang, SMT: Saengmaek-san, JST: Jowiseunggi-tang, SGT: Sihosogan-tang, ORS: Orim-san, SST: Samhwangsasim-tang, HYS: Hoechunyanggyeok-san, DMT: Daehwangmokdanpi-tang, IST: Igwiseungyang-tang, SCT: Sihocheonggan-tang, CIT: Cheongseoikgi-tang, BRT: Bokryeongbosim-tang, IHT: Injinho-tang, BCT: Baekchul-tang, SYT: Samhojagyak-tang, HJT: Hwanggeumjagyak-tang, GUS: Gungso-san, DYT: Danggwiyukhwang-tang, DYE: Danggwiyeongyo-eum, CWS: Cheongwi-san, ATE: Antae-eum, SWT: Seungyangbowi-tang

Prescription trends of Single herb by year
Glycyrrhizae Radix: 甘草, Paeoniae Radix: 芍藥, Angelicae Gigantis Radix: 當歸, Zingiberis Rhizoma: 生薑, Cinnamomi Ramulus: 桂枝, Angelicae Koreanae Radix: 姜活, Cnidii Rhizoma: 川芎 Magnoliae Cortex: 厚朴, Cyperi Rhizoma: 香附子, Pinelliae Rhizoma: 半夏, Puerariae Radix: 葛根, Aurantii Nobilis Pericarpium: 陳皮, Persicae Semen: 桃仁, Platycodi Radix: 桔梗, Atractylodis Rhizoma: 蒼朮, Scutellariae Radix: 黃芩, Rehmanniae Radix Preparata: 熟地黃, Araliae Cordatae Radix: 獨活, Zizyphi Fructus: 大棗, Angelicae Dahuricae Radix: 白芷 Ephedrae Herba: 麻黃, Forsythiae Fructus: 連翹, Ledebouriellae Radix: 防風, Aurantii Fructus: 枳殼, CinnamomiCortex Spissus: 肉桂, Armeniacae Semen: 杏仁, Schizonepetatenuifolia: 荊芥, Gingseng Radix: 人蔘, Astragali Radix: 黃耆, Atractylodis Rhizomaalba: 白朮, Rehmanniae Radix: 生地黃, Cimicifugae Rhizoma: 升麻, Lonicerae Flos: 金銀花, Saussureae Radix: 木香, Gypsum: 石膏, Liriopis Tuber: 麥門冬, Bupleuri Radix: 柴胡, Agastachis Herba: 藿香, Alimatis Rhizoma: 澤瀉, Menthae Herba: 薄荷, Perillae Herba: 紫蘇葉, MoutanRadicis Cortex: 牧丹皮, Schizandrae Fructus: 五味子, Gardeniae Fructus: 梔子, Hordei Fructus Germinatus: 麥芽, AsiasariRadix: 細辛, Anemarrhenae Rhizoma: 知母, PhellodendriCortex: 黃柏, Gastrodiae Rhizoma: 天麻, Chrysanthemi Flos: 菊花, Trichosanthis: 天花粉, Crataegi Fructus: 山査子, Rhei Rhizoma: 大黃, Zedoariae Rhizoma: 蓬朮, Massa Medicata Fermentata: 神麴, AurantiiImmaturi Pericarpium: 靑皮, Natrii Sulfas: 芒硝, Scirpi Rhizoma: 三稜, CoptidisRhizoma: 黃連, Asparagi Radix: 天門冬, Artemisiaecapillaris Herba: 茵蔯