An E-mail survey for expanding the basic benefit package of Korean medicine in Korean national health insurance
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This study aimed to investigate the opinions of Korean medical doctors on how to elucidate possible remedial measures for expanding the health insurance benefits coverage item of Korean medicine (KM).
An online survey was conducted to all members who had registered e-mail address in the association of Korean medicine from 1 to 17 November, 2016. Statistical analysis was performed and odds ratio with 95% confidence interval were calculated by each subgroup.
A total of 743 members answered the questions and the response rate was 4.1%. The priorities for expanding health insurance benefits were as follows: thermographic imaging, Sasang constitution typing test, and pulse wave among examinations; pharamacopuncture, embedding acupuncture, and acupotomy among procedures; Chuna manual therapy, manual therapy for meridian muscle, and Daoyin exercise therapy among manual therapies; low-frequency electrical therapy, traction, paraffin bath, and light therapy among physical therapies; and aromatherapy, enema therapy, and color therapy among activities of KM.
It should be covered by the national health insurance (NHI) of KM that thermographic imaging, pharmacoacupuncture, Chuna manual therapy, low-frequency electrical therapy, aromatherapy as a top priority. We also suggest that basic medical tests, such as blood, urine, or imaging, should be included in the coverage of the NHI of KM. It is necessary to review the expertise and public opinions about the plans and priorities for the conversion of the desired medical services to be covered by the NHI.

Responses on extending health insurance benefits coverage items of Korean medical physical therapies

Differences in Response Patterns by Subgroups on Extending Health Insurance Benefits Coverage Items of Korean Medical Examinations.

Differences in Response Patterns by Subgroups on Extending Health Insurance Benefits Coverage Items of Korean Medical Procedures

Differences in Response Patterns by Subgroups on Extending Health Insurance Benefits Coverage Items of Korean Medical Manual Therapies

Differences in Response Patterns by Subgroups on Extending Health Insurance Benefits Coverage Items of Korean Medical Physical Therapies