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JKM > Volume 45(3); 2024 > Article
Jihyun-Lee, Ryunkyeong-Lee, Beomsoo-Kim, and Minjeong-Kim: A Survey Study on the Effect of Medical Volunteer Activities on Competency Enhancement and the Development of Medical Volunteer Guidelines for Korean Medicine Students



This study aimed to identify the effects in competency enhancement of students participating in medical volunteer activities and to investigate the current conditions and needs for developing guidelines.


A self-reporting online survey was conducted with Korean medicine students who participated in the medical volunteer activities. The first survey, sent to 147 participants on July 6, 2024, consisted of questions on clinical guidelines for medical volunteer activities and professional competency evaluation before the volunteer activities. The second survey, sent to 53 participants on July 12, 2024, used the same competency evaluation items to assess changes after the volunteer activities.


Due to the lack of current clinical guidelines, most students are experiencing difficulties. There is a demand for comprehensive guidelines and specific items for immediate application in medical volunteer activities. Medical volunteer activities have enhanced the professional competencies of Korean medicine students in all aspects.


Through these results, Research on medical volunteer activities and the development of guidelines is essential for its advancement.

Fig. 1
Distribution of survey participants (n=53)
Fig. 2
Response distribution on the necessity of clinical guidelines for medical volunteering
Fig. 3
Responses on necessary items and detailed items for guidelines
Fig. 4
Difference in pretest and posttest competency scores
Fig. 5
Competency enhancement by grade level
Fig. 6
Comparison of competency enhancement by grade level
Table 1
Curriculum Roadmap of Department of Korean Medicine
Graduation Achievements (KMCP) Competency Outcomes (CO16)
Knowledge K1 Understanding scientific principles and explaining the principles of a healthy body and diseases at the level of body structure, organs, tissues, cells, and molecules.
K2 Understanding the theories of traditional Korean medicine and explaining the physiology and pathology of health issues.
K3 Searching, selecting, and integrating medical information. (Medical Informatics)
Korean Medical Competency M1 Diagnosing using physical examination and medical devices. (Patient Investigation)
M2 Formulating treatment plans through clinical reasoning. (Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making)
M3 Proficiently performing clinical procedures required for primary care. (Clinical Skills)
M4 Managing patients according to treatment plans. (Patient Management)
M5 Providing guidance on disease prevention and health promotion to patients. (Prevention)
M6 Making judgments and taking actions in emergency situations.
Communication C1 Communicating effectively with patients and caregivers with empathy.
C2 Communicating appropriately with practitioners of traditional Korean medicine and other types of medicine.
Professionalism P1 Understanding and maintaining the professionalism and values of being a traditional Korean medicine practitioner.
P2 Engaging in self-directed learning and personal development. (Personal Development)
P3 Understanding relevant laws and systems, and managing medical records and hospital administration. (Legal Responsibility, Informatics)
P4 Respecting human dignity and establishing ethical values in diagnosis and treatment. (Ethical)
P5 Possessing the knowledge and skills to actively participate in activities required for public health, community health, and international health. (Social Responsibility)
Table 2
Paired T-test on Pretest and Posttest Competency Scores Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences Significance

Mean Std. Deviation p
Pair 1 K(post) - K(pre) 0.71 1.04 <.001
Pair 2 M(post) - M(pre) 1.05 1.11 <.001
Pair 3 C(post) - C(pre) 0.67 1.09 <.001
Pair 4 P(post) - P(pre) 0.56 0.90 <.001


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