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JKM > Volume 45(3); 2024 > Article
J Korean Med. 2024;45(3): 1-13.         doi: https://doi.org/10.13048/jkm.24033
한약 이용에 영향을 주는 요인 -2020년 한국의료패널을 중심으로
박소현1  , 김준호2 
1고려대학교 대학원 보건과학과 보건정책관리학과
Factors influencing the use of traditional Korean herbal medicine - based on the 2020 Korean Medical Panel data
Sohyun Park1  , and Junho Kim2 
1Department of Public Health Science, Graduate School, Korea University
2Talk-bareun Kyung Hee Korean Medicine Clinic
Corresponding Author: Junho Kim ,Tel: +82-2-963-0075, Fax: +82-2-963-0079, Email: talktalk_seongbuk@naver.com
Received: May 8, 2024;  Revised: July 17, 2024.  Accepted: August 19, 2024.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics and usage patterns of traditional Korean herbal medicine users, as well as the factors related to traditional Korean herbal medicine usage, using data from the 2020 Korean Medical Panel.
Methods: Characteristics between traditional Korean herbal medicine users and non-users were compared using the chi-squared test. Additionally, binomial logistic regression analysis was employed to analyze the factors influencing traditional Korean herbal medicine usage. Andersen's healthcare utilization model was used to examine factors that potentially influenced the usage of traditional Korean herbal medicine.
Results: Analysis using Andersen's healthcare utilization model revealed significant differences in factors influencing traditional Korean herbal medicine usage. Predisposing factors such as age and region; enabling factors such as annual household income; and need factors such as the presence of chronic diseases and the number of chronic disease episodes were all significant.
Conclusions: Further research on the various factors influencing the use of traditional Korean herbal medicine could extend beyond short-term policy challenges to explore individual health issues and the direction of health care policy from a broader, macro perspective.
Keywords: Health Policy | Patient Acceptance of Health Care | Insurance | Medicine | Korean Traditional
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