AbstractObjectivesThis study aimed to analyze the results and review the outcomes and satisfaction levels of the 2023 Busan Korean medicine infertility treatment support project.
MethodsA total of 137 female and 26 male participated in the Korean medicine infertility treatment support project, which encompassed herbal medicine and pharmacopuncture treatment over 4-month period. Data pertaining to patients’ general, demographic, and fertility-related characteristics were collected before treatment initiation. During treatment, information regarding the treatments administered by Korean medical doctors was recorded, along with post-treatment outcomes and satisfaction levels.
ResultsOut of 163 initially enrolled participants, data from 4 female participants were missing, data from 159 participants were analyzed. A total of 113 female and 22 male participants completed the treatment program (Completion rate 84.9%). Of these, 23 female participants achieved pregnancy (Pregnancy rate 20.4%). Participants reported a high level of satisfaction with the treatment support project, with an average satisfaction score of 9.4 out of 10.
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