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JKM > Volume 45(2); 2024 > Article
Choi, Won, Lee, and Yoon: Retrospective Analysis of Outcomes in the 2023 Busan Korean Medicine infertility Treatment Support Project



This study aimed to analyze the results and review the outcomes and satisfaction levels of the 2023 Busan Korean medicine infertility treatment support project.


A total of 137 female and 26 male participated in the Korean medicine infertility treatment support project, which encompassed herbal medicine and pharmacopuncture treatment over 4-month period. Data pertaining to patients’ general, demographic, and fertility-related characteristics were collected before treatment initiation. During treatment, information regarding the treatments administered by Korean medical doctors was recorded, along with post-treatment outcomes and satisfaction levels.


Out of 163 initially enrolled participants, data from 4 female participants were missing, data from 159 participants were analyzed. A total of 113 female and 22 male participants completed the treatment program (Completion rate 84.9%). Of these, 23 female participants achieved pregnancy (Pregnancy rate 20.4%). Participants reported a high level of satisfaction with the treatment support project, with an average satisfaction score of 9.4 out of 10.


The study analyzed the clinical findings of the 2023 Busan Korean medicine infertility treatment support project. These findings provide a basis for developing Korean medicine infertility support projects and related research.

Fig. 1
Flow diagram of the study
Fig. 2
Age distribution of female participants
Fig. 3
Cumulative pregnancy rates by number of herbal medication administration
Table 1
Basic characteristics of women participants
Number Mean SD Min Max
Age (years) 113 36.4 5.1 22 50
Height (cm) 110 161.9 5.2 150 173
Weight (kg) 110 60.3 10.7 43 97.8
BMI (kg/m2) 110 23.0 3.8 16.8 37.1
Spouse age (year) 107 38.2 5.0 28 53
Spouse height (cm) 107 174.9 5.5 163 188
Spouse weight (kg) 105 79.4 11.8 56 130
Spouse BMI (kg/m2) 105 25.9 3.3 19.4 37.2

SD: Standard deviation, BMI: Body mass index

Table 2
Pattern Identification of Infertility (N=109)
Pattern Frequency (N) %
Kidney deficiency 55 50.5
Qi Blood deficiency 26 23.9
Liver stagnation 18 16.5
Static blood 14 12.8
Dampness-phlegm 11 10.1
Dampness heat 1 0.9
Others 5 4.6

Of 109 patients, 21 patients were diagnosed to have two patterns.

Percentages were divided by the number of patients, ie, 109.

Table 3
Prescriptions for infertile women participants (N=113)
Prescription Frequency
JogyeongJongok-tang 258
Samul-tang 59
Danggui Shaoyao-san 57
Taeeumjowi-tang 30
Onkyung-tang 26
Sipjeondaebo-tang 23
Yukmijihwang-tang 21
Nangong-jeon 15
Soshiho-tang 14
Danggwisayeokgaohsuyusaenggang-tang, Mihudeungsikjang-tang 13
Gyejibokryeong-hwan, Guibi-tang 12
Yeonggangchulgam-tang, Ojayeonjong-hwan 11
Palmulgunja-tang 10
Table 4
Pregnancy result (N=113)
Age Under 34 34~37 38~40 Above 40 Total
Pregnant participants 12 7 3 1 23
Total participants 31 33 23 26 113
Pregnancy rate (%) 38.7 21.2 13.0 3.8 20.4
Table 5
Analysis of Differences in Female Characteristics by Pregnancy Success and Failure
Characteristics Pregnancy result N Mean±SD U P-value
Age (years) No 90 37.3±4.7 526.5 <0.001
Yes 23 32.9±4.8

Height (cm) No 89 162.0±5.3 885.0 0.708
Yes 21 161.5±4.7

Weight (kg) No 89 60.9±10.5 703.5 0.079
Yes 21 57.5±11.3

BMI (kg/m2) No 89 23.2±3.7 701.0 0.076
Yes 21 22.1±4.3

Average menstruation cycle (days) No 84 30.5±10.9 1149.5 0.159
Yes 23 30.9±4.4

Menstrual pain severity (NRS) No 90 4.0±2.2 1146.0 0.426
Yes 23 4.4±2.4

Duration of menstrual pain (days) No 90 2.2±3.2 1191.5 0.254
Yes 23 2.5±2.0

Length of contraception (month) No 90 9.4±18.5 1226.5 0.123
Yes 23 9.6±12.4

Length of marriage period (months) No 90 26.4±22.6 849.5 0.187
Yes 23 18.4±16.2

Number of previous artificial insemination (N) No 90 0.5±1.1 1079.5 0.666
Yes 23 0.7±1.8

Number of previous IVF (N) No 90 1.7±2.5 751.5 0.020
Yes 23 0.5±1.4

Age of menarche (years) No 92 13.4±2.1 1022.0 0.748
Yes 22 13.6±1.6

IVF: in vitro fertilization

Table 6
Results of the average satisfaction analysis by question (N=96)
Questions Mean±SD
The benefits of the KM infertility project 9.7±0.8
The need for the KM infertility project 9.6±0.9
The image of the KM infertility project 9.6±0.9
Improvement in personal health status through the KM infertility project 9.4±1.0
Treatment duration of the KM infertility project 9.0±1.4
Promotion of the KM infertility project 8.4±2.1
Overall satisfaction with the KM infertility project 9.5±0.9

SD: Standard deviation, KM: Korean medicine

Table 7
Appropriate treatment duration as reported by the subjects (N=95)
Treatment duration N %
3 month 15 15.8
4 month 33 34.7
6 month 45 47.4
12 month 1 1.1
Until pregnancy occurs 1 1.1
Table 8
Ranking of challenges faced during project participation based on weighted analysis
Difficulty 1st 2nd 3rd Weighted score Rank
Time burden 70 17 23 267 1
Emotional burden 12 26 24 112 2
Physical burden 7 24 22 91 3
Social burden 4 15 11 53 4
Financial burden 1 12 13 40 5
Service insufficiency 2 2 3 13 6

Respondents were asked to rank their most challenging issues during project participation, with ‘1st’ indicating the most challenging, ‘2nd’ the second most challenging, and ‘3rd’ the third most challenging. Rankings are based on the cumulative weighted score.

Appendix 2
Prescriptions used in participants who became pregnant
N* Prescriptions
1 조경종옥탕
2 조경종옥탕, 비화음, 계지가작약생강인삼신가탕, 시호계지탕, 십전대보탕
3 양격사물탕, 시호거금가령탕
4 계지반하생강탕, 선천귀일탕, 독활지황탕
6 태음조위탕, 조경종옥탕, 육린주
7 팔물탕, 보중익기탕, 조경종옥탕, 난궁전
8 갈근황금황련탕, 도핵승기탕, 시호계지탕, 온경탕, 시호가작약탕, 도담탕, 조경종옥탕, 계지복령환, 치자시탕, 창출생화탕, 인삼양위탕, 소시호탕, 당귀작약산, 시호가용골모려탕, 보중익기탕, 귀비탕, 온담탕, 비화음

* Number of prescriptions administered before each participant becomes pregnant

Appendix 3
한의난임사업 만족도 조사 결과
항목 종류 응답자 수 문항 설문 결과
만족도 96 한의난임사업에 대한 필요성에 대해서 어떻게 생각하십니까? 9.6±0.9
만족도 96 한의난임사업의 유익성에 대해서 만족하십니까? 9.7±0.8
만족도 96 한의난임사업의 이미지에 대해서 만족하십니까? 9.6±0.9
만족도 96 한의난임사업의 홍보에 대해서 만족하십니까? 8.4±2.1
만족도 96 한의난임사업의 본인 건강상태 개선에 대해서 만족하십니까? 9.4±1.0
만족도 96 한의난임사업의 치료기간에 대해서 만족하십니까? 9.0±0.4
만족도 96 한의난임사업을 종합적인 측면에서 어떻게 생각하십니까? 9.5±0.9
치료법 만족도 96 한의난임사업에서 받은 침치료에 만족하십니까? 9.4±1.2
치료법 만족도 96 한의난임사업에서 받은 약치료에 만족하십니까? 9.5±1.1
치료법 만족도 96 한의난임사업에서 받은 뜸치료에 만족하십니까? 8.9±2.0
적정 치료기간 95 한의난임사업의 치료기간은 어느 정도가 적당하다고 생각하십니까? 3 개월: 15 명 (15.8%)
4 개월: 33 명 (34.7%)
6 개월: 45 명 (47.4%)
기타: 2 명 (2.2%)
사업 참여 시 힘든 점 96 한의난임사업을 수행하는데 있어서 힘들었다고 생각되는 항목 1 순위를 선택해주세요. 시간적 부담: 70(72.9%)
정서적 부담: 12(12.5%)
신체적 부담: 7(7.3%)
사업 참여 시 힘든 점 96 한의난임사업을 수행하는데 있어서 힘들었다고 생각되는 항목 2 순위를 선택해주세요. 정서적 부담: 26(27.1%)
신체적 부담: 24(25.0%)
시간적 부담: 17(17.7%)
사업 참여 시 힘든 점 96 한의난임사업을 수행하는데 있어서 힘들었다고 생각되는 항목 3 순위를 선택해주세요. 정서적 부담: 24(25.0%)
시간적 부담: 23(24.0%)
신체적 부담: 22(22.9%)
재참여 의사 96 다음 기회에도 이런 사업이 있다면 적극 참여할 의사가 있으십니까? 9.7±0.9

연속 변수는 평균 표기하고 범주형 변수는 응답자 수와 %로 표기하였다.


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