AbstractObjectivesThis study aimed to investigate the attitudes towards blood tests (BT), the utilization of BT in clinical contexts, and the educational needs and experiences among Korean medicine doctors (KMDs).
MethodsAn anonymous online survey was conducted among KMDs over a two-week period in 2023. The survey data were subjected to basic statistical analysis and logistic regression.
ResultsA total of 773 respondents participated in the survey, yielding a response rate of approximately 3%. Most respondents recognized the necessity of BT in Korean medicine, with 74.77% reporting prior utilization. However, only 43.73% currently utilize BTs. Key barriers to BT utilization included insufficient legal and institutional safeguards and cost burdens. Although 77.62% reported receiving BT education, only 54.85% deemed it useful, yet 95.21% expressed intent for future education. Younger KMDs exhibited lower BT utilization and lower agreement rates on the usefulness of education but higher demand for education. The longer the training period in Korean medicine hospitals, the higher the rate of experience with BTs, related education and the agreement on the usefulness of the education. And they had relatively less need for further education.
ConclusionsEfforts are needed to meet the demand for BT education among KMDs. In particular, it seems necessary to identify the higher demand among young KMDs and prepare for education at a level equivalent to a training course in Korean medicine hospitals rather than in a form that just follows past education practices.
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