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JKM > Volume 43(3); 2022 > Article
Kim, Kim, Lee, and Hwang: An Analysis of Aconiti Ciliare Radix Patents



The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze Korean domestic patents on aconiti ciliare radix and to identify the trend of aconitum tuber technology.


To analyze the patent, a combinations of words such as “aconitum” or “korean aconite root” were used in search engine Kipris(www.kirpis.or.kr). The patents of aconiti ciliare radix were analyzed in three ways: year trend analysis, internatonal patent classification (IPC) code analysis related to content classification, and patent registration status analysis.


Among the patents found in the search results, 17 patents with significant contents were analyzed. Results showed that, first, patents were steadily registered until 2018, but recently there has been no new patent registration. Second, there were many patents related to efficacy verification and decoction method, and the number of IPC codes related to them was also high. Third, there are five patents maintaining the registration status, and they are patents related to the aconiti ciliare radix extraction method, toxicity removal, and combination method.


In this study, the domestic patents of aconiti ciliare radix were analyzed. The analysis results of this study are expected to be exploited as basic data for the development of Korean medicine analgesics with fewer side effects by suppressing tuber toxicity and the creation of new medical technologies.


This work was supported by clinical research grant from Pusan National University Hospital 2021. This research was supported by a grant of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (grant number : HF21C0156).

Fig. 1
Flowchart of study selection process.
Fig. 2
Annual status of the number of patent applications for aconitum ciliare radix.
Table 1
Classification of Patent Contents and IPC Code.
Contents Classification Contents IPC Code Number
Decoction Method Ranunculaceae A01N 65/32* 1
Magnoliopsida (dicotyledons) A61K 8/9789
A61K 36/185
Aconitum A61K 36/714 7
Processing of herbal medicines Ranunculariaceae A61K 36/71* 4
Using additives A23L 33/10 1
Combination with other herbal medicines Preparations in capsules A61K 9/48 3
Agglomerates;Granulates;Microbeadlets A61K 9/16 1
Pills, lozenges or tablets A61K 9/20 3
Fermentation Plant extracts, their artificial duplicates or their derivatives A23L 33/105 4
By using bacteria C12P 1/04 2
Bacteria;Culture media therefor C12N 1/20 1
Lactobacilli A61K 35/747 1
Spore-forming bacteria A61K 35/742 2
Toxicity removal Bridged ring systems C07D 221/22 1
Removal of unwanted matter A23L 5/20 4
Having five-membered rings with one nitrogen as the only ring hetero atom A61K 31/40 1
Validation clinical trial Preparations for care of the teeth, of the oral cavity or of dentures A61Q 11/00 1
For joint disorders A61P 19/02 1
animal testing For baldness or alopecia A61P 17/14 1
Preparations for affecting hair growth A61Q 7/00 1
Preparations for cleaning the hair A61Q 5/02 1
Non-central analgesic, antipyretic or antiinflammatory agents A61P 29/00 1
Medicinal preparations characterised by special physical form A61K 9/00 1
other Non-central analgesic, antipyretic or antiinflammatory agents A61P 29/00 1
Making pharmaco-acupuncture Devices for locating or stimulating specific reflex points of the body for physical therapy A61H 39/00 1

* 같은 내용이나 영문표기가 다른 코드들이다. 각 코드가 인용된 특허들이 각각 탕전법, 수치법의 내용을 담고 있어 따로 표기했다.

† 중복으로 인용된 코드이다. 코드가 인용된 한 특허는 동물실험, 다른 특허는 화학실험을 검증방법으로 사용하여 따로 표기했다.

Table 2
List of Patents That Maintained Their Registrations for Aconiti Ciliare Radix.
Title of Invention Year of Application
Method for preparing CHO-O or BUJA fermentation product using Bacillus subtilis MORI strain and composition comprising same 2009
Composition for prevention of losing hair or promotion of growing hair 2010
Composition for food using herbal extract and seonokgyun 2011
Method for Preparing Extract of Aconitum ciliare Decaisne, Melia azedarach Linne var. japonica Makino and Rumex crispus L. 2012
Method for high-efficiency conversion of the toxic diester-diterpenoid alkaloids and monoester-diterpenoid alkaloids contained in Aconitum ciliare Decaisne to aconine 2018
Table 3
Classification of Patent Contents
Contents Classification Number
Decoction Method 4
Processing of herbal medicines 1
Combination with other herbal medicines 14
Toxicity removal 1
Validation Clinical trial 3
Animal testing 13
Other 4
Making pharmaco-acupuncture 1


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