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JKM > Volume 43(2); 2022 > Article
Lee, Jo, Park, and Park: A Case Report of Hypersensitivity Vasculitis with Petechiae Improved by Administration of Jeoryoung-tang



This study is to report a case of hypersensitivity vasculitis with petechiae improved by Jeoryoung-tang


Petechiae was observed in the upper and lower extremities of the patient. The patient also complained of cystitis symptoms such as dysuria and residual urine. Since there were no other accompanying symptoms such as abdominal pain, bleeding, or joint pain, the patient was diagnosed with hypersensitivity vasculitis and Jeoryoung-tang was prescribed for about a month.


After administering Jeoryoung-tang for about a month, petechiae improved from 8 to 2 points, and cystitis symptoms also improved from NRS 7 to 2 points.


Since it has been confirmed that Jeoryoung-tang was effective as the treatment of skin symptoms through this case, Jeoryoung-tang can be prescribed for patients with other type skin diseases. However, since it is difficult to generalize this single case, continuous follow-up studies should be conducted.

Fig. 1
Treatment Timeline
Fig. 2
Clinical Progress of Petechiae
Table 1
Prescription of Jeoryoung-tang
Name of Natural Medicine (Herbal Medicine) Weight(g)
豬苓 Polyporus umbellatus FR. 6
白茯苓 Wolfiporia extensa 6
滑石 Talc 6
澤瀉 Alisma canaliculatum A.Braun & C.D.Bouché 6
阿膠 Donkey Hide Gelatin 6

Total Amount 30
Table 2
Petechiae Symptom Evaluation Index
Symptom Severity
Extent 0=Absence
Darkness 1=Mild
Thermalgia 3=Severe
Table 3
Cystitis Symptom Evaluation Index
Symptom Severity
Dysuria 0 (None) ~ 10 (Severe)
Residual Urine
Table 4
Symptom Evaluation Progress of Petechiae
2020.05.25 2020.06.09 2020.11.27
Extent 3 1 0
Darkness 3 1 0
Thermalgia 2 0 0

Total 8 2 0
Table 5
Symptom Evaluation Progress of Cystitis
2020.05.25 2020.06.09 2020.11.27
Dysuria 4 1 0
Residual Urine 3 1 0

Total 7 2 0


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