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JKM > Volume 42(3); 2021 > Article
Kye and Kim: A Research on Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) Based on New Classification Models: Focused on Currently Practiced Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) in Korean Medicine(韓醫學)



The purpose of this study is to analyze Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) that are currently practiced in Korean medicine(韓醫學) and to consider the directions in further research and development.


Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) were selected based on Acupuncture Medicine textbook of College of Korean Medicine and published researches. Then, selected Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) were categorized by characteristics. Also, the selected Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) were comprehensively classified according to new models, Heaven-Earth-Human(天地人) model and Dimensional model. The directions of further research and development in Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) were considered based on this.

Results & Conclusions

In the categorization by characteristics, sufficient basic references were unavailable to consider the directions in further research and development. However, comprehensive classification using Heaven-Earth-Human(天地人) model and Dimensional model was able to be used as references for estimating the relative positions of each Method of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) and also, establishing the directions in further research and development.
Regarding the results from comprehensive classification, the studies on Physiology of Four Seasons and Day and night(晝夜) are required. Besides, the acceptance of Western medical contents which include anatomical structures is unavoidable to achieve the development in Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法). In addition, it is necessary to propose researches founded on an integrated theory of Viscera and Bowels(藏府) and Meridian and Collateral(經絡) which enables to embrace the physiological function of human body. Upon this, the creation of a Four-dimensional Methods of Acupuncture Therapy(鍼法) is also required.

Fig. 1
Categorization of selected Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) by characteristics
Table 1
Categorization of Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) by Cited References
References 鍼法
Acupuncture Medicine Chapter 7 神經刺戟療法, 藥鍼療法
Chapter 8 分區微細鍼法 (耳鍼療法, 頭鍼療法, 面鍼療法, 鼻鍼療法, 人中鍼療法, 舌鍼療法, 手鍼療法, 足鍼療法, 腕踝鍼療法, 第二掌骨側鍼法, 手指鍼, 手足鍼療法)
Chapter 9 五行鍼刺法, 舍岩鍼法, 太極鍼法, 子午流注鍼法(納甲法, 納子法), 靈龜八法, 飛騰八法
A Survey about the recognition regarding the Korean acupuncture method and research direction. 體鍼療法, 舍岩鍼法, 董氏鍼法(動氣鍼法, 倒馬鍼法), 五行鍼法, 耳鍼療法, 藥鍼療法, 平鍼和鍼法, 相對性鍼法, 手指鍼法
A Study on the Sasang Constitutional application of Clinical Acupuncture. 體鍼療法, 舍岩鍼法, 董氏鍼法, 耳鍼療法, 藥鍼療法, 平鍼和鍼法, 太極鍼法, 相對性鍼法, 五行鍼法, 手指鍼法, 八體質鍼法
A Survey on Korean Medicine Doctors’ Recognition and Clinical Fields of Treating Primary Dysmenorrhea for Developing Korean Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline for Dysmenorrhea. The Journal of Oriental Gynecology. 體鍼療法, 舍岩鍼法, 董氏鍼法, 阿是穴療法, MTrP治療
Other references 形象鍼法, 五氣鍼法, 醫易三鍼法, 奇門鍼法, 總通針法
Table 2
Frequently Used Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) Presented in 「A Survey About the Recognition Regarding the Korean Acupuncture Method and Research Direction」4)
자주 사용하는 침 치료법(중복응답) 인원수 %
체침요법 914 71.5
사암침법 647 50.6
동씨침법 599 46.9
오행침법 245 19.2
이침요법 221 17.3
약침요법 175 13.7
봉독요법 145 11.3
평침화침법 126 9.9
상대성침법 68 5.3
수지침법 39 3.1
Table 3
Two Implications from Applying Heaven-Earth-Human(天地人) Model to Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法)
三才 의미 辨證 측면 選穴 측면
天時-시간성 時辰에 기반한 臟腑氣血 虛實 時辰에 따른 開穴
地方-공간성 痛處 특정 공간에 배치한 腧穴
人事-작용성 藏府(五行)·經絡(六氣) 상태, 體質 특성 藏府(五行)·經絡(六氣) 조절 經穴
Table 4
Comprehensive Classification of Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) Based on Heaven -Earth-Human(天地人) Model
三才 辨證 측면 選穴 측면
天 (시간성) 醫易三鍼法 子午流注鍼法(納甲法)
地 (공간성) 阿是穴療法
人 (작용성) 太極鍼法
Table 5
Comprehensive Classification of Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) Based on the Dimensional Model
차원 특성 침법 종류
0차원 침법 (점) 患部에 직접 刺鍼 阿是穴療法
1차원 침법 (선) 腧穴 선택 과정이 선으로 연결 相對性鍼法
2차원 침법 (면) 인체 특정 부위의 표면에
腧穴을 배치하여 운용
3차원 침법 (공간) 전체성을 확보할 수 있는
통합적 진단에 근거하여 치료
4차원 침법 (시공) 통합적 진단에 근거하면서
시간성을 포함


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