AbstractObjectivesThis study is to analyze Acupuncture Methods(鍼法) using Five Transport Points(五輸穴) and to consider the direction of development.
MethodsThis study focuses on Acupuncture Methods(鍼法) using Five Transport Points(五輸穴) that Five Phase Theory(五行學) has been applied as a compound and it is designated Five Phase-Five Transport Points-Acupuncture Method(FPT Acupuncture Method, 五行五輸穴鍼法). Principles, Acupuncture Points(經穴), standards of diagnosis and treatment subjects of FPT Acupuncture Methods used in practices of Korean Medicine (韓醫學) were analyzed through updated literature. Next, the theoretical issues of FPT Acupuncture Methods regarding the composition of selecting exclusively on Five Transport Points(五輸穴) and targeted treatment subjects were investigated. Based upon the investigation, the future direction of development was studied.
Results & ConclusionsFirstly, pattern identification and treatment of FPT Acupuncture Methods targeted mostly on Viscera and Bowels(臟腑). However, some showed the tendency to Five Phases Reductionism(五行 還元主義) which attempts to apply Five Phase Theory(五行學) to symptoms that were not related to Viscera and Bowels(臟腑). Secondly, Five Transport Points(五輸穴) are theoretically related to ‘Viscera and Bowels in Concept of Visceral Manifestation(臟象臟腑)’.
Thirdly, when the cause of the symptoms exceeds the main therapeutic range of FPT Acupuncture Methods, it is effective to add Acupuncture Points(經穴) excluding Five Transport Points(五輸穴). And also, it is efficient to use Acupuncture Methods(鍼法) that is not based on principles of Five Phase Theory(五行學). For the accomplishment, further researches on the approaches to apply basic Korean Medical principles such as Three Yin and Three Yang(三陰三陽) into Acupuncture Methods(鍼法) and Acupuncture Points(經穴) are necessary.
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