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JKM > Volume 40(3); 2019 > Article
Shin, Ahn, and Lee: The Effect of Korean Medical Treatments for Facial asymmetry Patients : Five Cases Report



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Korean medicine treatment on facial asymmetric treatment in 5 cases of facial asymmetry correction by non - surgical treatment such as acupucture, chuna treatment , FCST (Functional cerebrospinal technique) and cranial osteopathy.


We analyzed the initial charts of 5 patients who had undergone facial asymmetry in a Korean medicine clinic and measured the position and distance using the photograph, lateral cephalograms, and whole body radiograms. The results were as follows.


To quantify both soft and hard tissues to confirm the results of Korean medicine treatment of facial asymmetry, soft tissues quantitatively measure the displacement of the face, the slope of the left and right eyes, and the slope of the lip in order to grasp the positional displacement of the mandible. As a result, on the average, the correction effect as measured by the angle difference between A and C is 1.8±0.57, the correction effect as measured by the angle difference between B and C is 1.4±0.89, and the angle difference between D and the horizontal plane is 1.9±0.89, and the angle difference between E and the horizontal plane is 1.9±0.89. The result of reduced angle difference between A and C means that the head position shifted from the center of the body to the unilateral side was shifted to the center. The decrease in the angle difference between B and C means the restoration of the maxillary distortion relative to the mandible. In hard tissues, numerical values were measured based on the skull standard. The average distortion of the skull was 1.9±0.67, and the distortion of the lower eye was 1.4±0.41.


General studies on facial asymmetric treatment are limited to treatments such as surgery and orthodontics. However, this study confirmed the possibility that facial asymmetry could be corrected by Korean medical treatment consisting of reversible non-surgical treatment rather than irreversible treatment such as surgery or orthodontic treatment. In particular, Korean medicine treatment is effective for muscular asymmetry, soft asymmetry, functional asymmetry, etc. The facial asymmetric treatment of Korean medicine is not limited to the face-centered correction, but the asymmetry of the whole body may be corrected as well.

Fig. 1
Yinyang Balance Appliance
Fig. 2
Standard Balance Appliance: IBA
Fig. 3
Massester technique
Fig. 4
Temporalis technique
Fig. 5
Pterygoid techniques
Fig. 6
Photography analysis
Fig. 7
chephalography analysis
Fig. 8
Before and after photos of Case 1
Fig. 9
Before and after radiograms of Case 1
Fig. 10
Before and after body radiograms of Case 1
Fig. 11
Before and after photos of Case 2
Fig. 12
Before and after radiograms of Case 2
Fig. 13
Before and after right & left lateral radiograms of Case 2
Fig. 14
Before and after body radiograms of Case 2
Fig. 15
Before and after photos of Case 3
Fig. 16
Before and after radiograms of Case 3
Fig. 17
Before and after body radiograms of Case 3
Fig. 18
Before and after photos of Case 4
Fig. 19
Before and after radiograms of Case 4
Fig. 20
Before and after left lateral radiograms of Case 3
Fig. 21
Before and after body radiograms of Case 4
Fig. 22
Before and after photos of Case 5
Fig. 23
Before and after radiograms of Case 5
Fig. 24
Before and after body radiograms of Case 5
Fig. 25
The changes of angles between lines
Table 1
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 1
before after
Angle of A and C lines 3 1
Angle of B and C lines 4 2
Angle of D line and horizon 1.5 1
Angle of E line and horizon 2 2
Table 2
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 1
before after
Angle of V and M lines 4 2
Angle of F line and H line 2 0.5
RL/LL 5.13/6.18, 0.83 5.77/5.8, 0.99
Table 3
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 2
before after
Angle of A and C lines 3 1
Angle of B and C lines 0 0
Angle of D line and horizon 3 1
Angle of E line and horizon 4 1.5
Table 4
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 2
before after
Angle of V and M lines 2 1
Angle of F line and H line 2.5 1
RL/LL 8.04/7.94, =1.01 6.9/6.96, =0.99
Table 5
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 3
before after
Angle of A and C lines 1 0
Angle of B and C lines 2 1
Angle of D line and horizon 2.5 0.5
Angle of E line and horizon 2 0.5
Table 6
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 3
before after
Angle of V and M lines 3 1
Angle of F line and H line 1 0
RL/LL 4.48/5.16, 0.86 5.01/5.02, 0.99
Table 7
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 4
Before after
Angle of A and C lines 3 0.5
Angle of B and C lines 3.5 1.5
Angle of D line and horizon 4 2
Angle of E line and horizon 6 1.5
Table 8
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 4
before after
Angle of V and M lines 3 0
Angle of F line and H line 1.5 0.5
RL/LL 7.1/7.51, 0.94 6.01/6.27, 0.95
Table 9
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 5
before after
Angle of A and C lines 2.5 1
Angle of B and C lines 3 1
Angle of D line and horizon 5 2
Angle of E line and horizon 1.5 1
Table 10
Angle before and after the procedure of Case 5
before after
Angle of V and M lines 2 0.5
Angle of F line and H line 2 0
RL/LL 5.63/5.40, 1.04 5.83/5.82, 1.00
Table 11
The changes of Mean value and Correction effect
Photograph X-ray

A–C B–C D-horizon E-horizon V–M F–H RL/LL
Mean value (mean±SD) before 2.5±0.86 2.5±1.58 3.2±1.35 3.1±1.88 2.8±0.83 1.8±0.57 0.93±0.09
after 0.7±0.44 1.1±0.74 1.3±0.67 1.5±0.93 0.9±0.74 0.4±0.41 0.98±0.01

Correction effect (mean±SD) 1.8±0.57 1.4±0.89 1.9±0.89 1.6±2.07 1.9±0.67 1.4±0.41
Table 12
Facial Asymmetry Classification 1
Congenital Acquied Developmental
cleft lip and palate temporomandibular joint ankylosis - agenesis
Tessier facial cleft facial trauma - hypoplasia
hemifacial microsomia childhood radiotherapy - unilateral condylar hyoerplasia
neurofibromatosis fibrous dysplasia - prognathism deviation
Congenital torticollis facial tumors - bilateral deviation of narrow maxilla(adenoid face )
craniosynostosis Parry-Romberg syndrome - Maxillary narrowing by amorphrous soft tissue movement (ex.finger sucking, abmomal swallowing)
vascular disorder condylar fracture - crossbite and malposition of tooth
prefatal intrauterine damage degenerative TMJ disease
Table 13
Facial Asymmetry Classification 2
Tooth alveolar Skeletal Muscular Soft tissue Fuctional
Premature loss hemifacial microsomia - muscle atropy by Surplus of tissue lateral,anterior and posterior
Of infant teeth Genetic factors such as hemifacial microsomia by osteotomy deflection of mandible
Congenital tooth defect multiple and cerebral palsy muscle Unilateral transverse stenosis of
Common habits such as neurofibromatosis - difference sich as softtissue maxillary inverted teeth
thumb sucking damage at birth by massester hypertropy enlargement TMJ disorder with
accuracy deficit in gene pressure - abnormal muscle displacement of articular
expression unilateral damage during osteosarcoma - case missed treatment of SCM fibrosos in torticollis disk


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