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JKM > Volume 40(3); 2019 > Article
Jung and Yang: Analysis of Korean Medical status of Acute Bronchitis, Chronic Bronchitis and Allergic Rhinitis patients



Patients with respiratory diseases are increasing as air pollution due to fine dust gets worse. Diseases that occupy a large proportion of respiratory diseases in medical institutions are acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and Allergic rhinitis. The number of patients with all three diseases is gradually increasing. This study was to suggest assignment of medicine policy for improving accessibility to Korean medical treatment of respiratory diseases analyzing the current treatment status of acute bronchitis, Chronic bronchitis and Allergic rhinitis patients in Western medical and Korean medical institutes in this situation.


This study used 2017 National patient sample data from the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service for research. Acute bronchitis, Chronic bronchitis, Allergic rhinitis was according to KCD code. This research contains Socio-demographic analysis classified by sex and age, the number of three disease’s patients. Also the number of medical treatment, the expense of recuperation cost, medical practices were analyzed compare with Western and Korean medicine.


The incidence of three diseases is higher among female than male. There are many patients under the age of 10 in the case of acute bronchitis and allergic rhinitis, while there are many patients over 50 years of age in chronic bronchitis. Western medical treatment take up a larger proportion than Korean medical treatment in part of the number of three disease’s patients, the number of medical treatment, the expense of recuperation cost.


Much more patients of these diseases visit in Western medical clinic and hospital than Korean medical clinic and hospital for treatment. There are many parts of Korean medical treatment that are not covered by Health insurance benefits like herbal decoction, pharmacopuncture, etc. Korean medicine need to do the efforts for expanding medical field in variety. Also it is demanded for institutional support for reduction of the cost burden and improving on accessibility of Korean medical treatment in order to treat with the increase in respiratory diseases due to fine dust.

Fig. 1
Number of Acute bronchitis, Chronic bronchitis and Allergic rhinitis patients in recent 6 years(2013–2018).
a) Number of Acute bronchitis patients in medical treatment. b) Number of Acute bronchitis patients in Korean medical treatment. c) Number of Chronic bronchitis patients in medical treatment d) Number of Chronic bronchitis patients in Korean medical treatment. e) Number of Allergic rhinitis patients in medical treatment. f) Number of Allergic rhinitis patients in Korean medical treatment.
Fig. 2
Percentage of Acute bronchitis, Chronic bronchitis and Allergic rhinitis patients by sex.
Fig. 3
Percentage of Acute bronchitis, Chronic bronchitis and Allergic rhinitis patients by age.
Table 1
The whole number of patients of Acute bronchitis, Chronic bronchitis and Allergic rhinitis.
Acute bronchitis Chronic bronchitis Allergic rhinitis
Number of Patients Total(n) Sex Total(n) Sex Total(n) Sex
485,004 M F 100,148 M F 193,448 M F
216,905 268,099 43,901 56,247 90,179 103,269
% 100 44.7 55.3 100 43.8 56.2 100 46.6 53.4
Table 2
Number of medical treatments of Acute bronchitis, Chronic bronchitis and Allergic rhinitis.
Number of medical treatments Acute bronchitis Chronic bronchitis Allergic rhinitis

N % N % N %
Total 1,670,946 100 215,584 100 473,205 100
Western Medical Inpatients 3,123 0.19 1,373 0.64 182 0.04
Western Medical Outpatient 1,665,006 99.64 211,158 97.95 451,901 95.50
Korean Medical Inpatients 2 0.00 9 0.00 0 0
Korean Medical Outpatient 394 0.02 634 0.29 19,432 4.11
The others 2,421 0.14 2,410 1.12 1,690 0.36
Table 3
Western Medical treatment expense of Acute bronchitis, Chronic bronchitis and Allergic rhinitis.
Classification Total expense (unit:1000won) Expense-per-patient (unit:won) Expense-per-treatment (unit:won)
Acute bronchitis W.Medical Inpatient 26,760,871 1,910,377 1,741,456 611,712
W.Medical Outpatients 24,825,946 51,429 14,910
K.Medical Inpatient 219 219,000 109,500
K.Medical Outpatients 7,601 88,384 19,292
The others 16,728 15,305 6,910

Chronic bronchitis W.Medical Inpatient 5,163,516 1,269,248 1,482,767 924,434
W.Medical Outpatients 3,861,106 39,337 18,285
K.Medical Inpatient 2,004 1,002,000 222,667
K.Medical Outpatients 13,128 75,017 20,707
The others 18,030 18,801 7,481

Allergic rhinitis W.Medical Inpatient 7,775,790 66,057 623,179 362,951
W.Medical Outpatients 7,283,249 38,428 16,117
K.Medical Inpatient 0 0 0
K.Medical Outpatients 412,296 132,104 21,217
The others 14,188 20,473 8,395
Table 4
Western and Korean Medical treatment for Acute bronchitis.
Acute bronchitis Medical treatment Classification % Acute bronchitis Korean medical treatment Classification %
Consultation fee(Revisit): Medical in clinic 25.2 Consultation fee(Revisit) 20.6
Medication 20.8 Meridian Acupuncture(Over 2 Acupoints) 10.3
Consultation fee(initial): Medical in clinic 15.9 Herbal medication 9.5
Outpatient Pharmaceutical fee [per 1day]: Clinic 7.8 Consultation fee(Initial) 8
Injection fee/ Hypodermic, Intramuscular 7.2 Syndrome Differentiation fee 6.9
Upper Respiratory Inhalation treatment 3 Meridian Acupuncture(1 Acupoint) 5.1
Consultation fee(Revisit): Medical in hospital 2.7 Indirect Moxibustion/ Device 4.5
Consultation fee(initial): Medical in hospital 1.1 Infrared Therapy 3.8
Lower Respiratory Inhalation treatment [per 1day] 1.1 Joined Puncture 3.4
Outpatient Pharmaceutical fee [per visit]: Hospital 0.7 Outpatient/Discharge patient pharmacy fee(3days per 1 time) 3.4
Consultation fee(Revisit): General Hospital 0.6 Division Acupuncture(ear,head,foot,hand,finger,face,nose etc) 3.4
Table 5
Western and Korean Medical treatment for Chronic bronchitis
Allergic rhinitis Medical treatment Classification % Allergic rhinitis Korean medical treatment Classification %
Consultation fee(Revisit): Medical in clinic 27.4 Consultation fee(Revisit) 22.6
Consultation fee(initial): Medical in clinic 19.5 Meridian Acupuncture(Over 2 Acupoints) 14.5
Medication 15.6 Indirect Moxibustion/ Device 8.8
Outpatient Pharmaceutical fee [per 1day]: Clinic 6.6 Syndrome Differentiation fee 8
Injection fee/ Hypodermic, Intramuscular 6.4 Cupping therapy(Dry Cupping)/moving cupping 4.7
Upper respiratory steam inhalation treatment 4.8 Joined Puncture 4.6
Consultation fee(Revisit): Medical in hospital 2.5 Consultation fee(Initial) 4.4
Consultation fee(initial): Medical in hospital 1 Indirect Moxibustion/ Mugwort 3.3
Infrared therapy [per 1day] 1 Meridian Acupuncture(1 Acupoint) 3.2
Consultation fee(Revisit): General Hospital 0.8 Infrared Therapy 3.2
NasoPharyngoscopy 0.8 Acupucture in Nasal cavity 3.1
Table 6
Western and Korean Medical treatment for Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis Medical treatment Classification % Allergic rhinitis Korean medical treatment Classification %
Consultation fee(Revisit): Medical in clinic 27.4 Consultation fee(Revisit) 22.6
Consultation fee(initial): Medical in clinic 19.5 Meridian Acupuncture(Over 2 Acupoints) 14.5
Medication 15.6 Indirect Moxibustion/ Device 8.8
Outpatient Pharmaceutical fee [per 1day]: Clinic 6.6 Syndrome Differentiation fee 8
Injection fee/ Hypodermic, Intramuscular 6.4 Cupping therapy(Dry Cupping)/moving cupping 4.7
Upper respiratory steam inhalation treatment 4.8 Joined Puncture 4.6
Consultation fee(Revisit): Medical in hospital 2.5 Consultation fee(Initial) 4.4
Consultation fee(initial): Medical in hospital 1 Indirect Moxibustion/ Mugwort 3.3
Infrared therapy [per 1day] 1 Meridian Acupuncture(1 Acupoint) 3.2
Consultation fee(Revisit): General Hospital 0.8 Infrared Therapy 3.2
NasoPharyngoscopy 0.8 Acupucture in Nasal cavity 3.1


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