AbstractObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to report the result and the satisfaction of Korean medicine treatment for patients with dysmenorrhea who participated in support program of Jeollabuk-do.
MethodsThe subjects of this study were 33 volunteers, suffering from primary dysmenorrhea. As the ‘Dysmenorrhea Treatment Project’, we conducted a dysmenorrhea program at 22 Korean medicine clinic and 1 Korean medicine hospital in Jeollabuk-do. From May to December 2018, we conducted the program and assessed the effect and satisfaction twice after first two menstrual cycles after Korean medicine treatment through questionnaire. They were treated by Korean medicine treatment such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, heat therapy, physical therapy and others in 2017. The results were measured by the visual analogue scale (VAS) and multidimensional verbal rating scale (MVRS) of overall pain. The disturbance in school activity for menstrual period and satisfaction of Korean medicine treatment were investigated by continuous rating scales.
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