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JKM > Volume 38(3); 2017 > Article
Kim, Lee, Sung, Park, Lee, Ko, Park, Choi, Kim, and Go: A Study for effectiveness of School Doctor Program in Korean Medicine



Health in adolescent is very important in the whole life. But, students in Korea are very busy and hard to care about their health. This study is aimed to effectiveness and safety of effectiveness of School Doctor program in Korean Medicine.


From august to december, 2015, Korean medicine association in Sungnam city conducted school doctor program for 12 middle and 8 high school. School doctor visitied 8 times and treat, lecture and consulting for students and teachers. The number of students participating in health lecture is 1,905. The number of students participating in the school project was 147 students in junior high school and 187 students in high school, totaling 334 students.


The overall satisfaction rate of students was very high (83.2%) for school doctor program in Korean medicine. 92.8% of respondents answered that they should continue to school doctor program in Korean medicine.


We find that Korean medicine is suitable for the school doctor program. But this study have some limitations. Large-scale prospective study will be needed.

Table 1
Middle & High School and Student Participating School Doctor Program in Korean Medicine
Variables Middle school High school Participants
School Sujeong-gu 2 2 452
Jungwon-gu 5 2 485
Bundang-gu 5 4 968

Health lecture participants 1,140 765 1,905
Table 2
Subjects Participated School Doctor Program in Korean Medicine
Variables Male Female P-value
Age 13 4( 5.1) 24( 9.4) 0.154
14 9(11.5) 46(18.0)
15 14(17.9) 50(19.5)
16 21(26.9) 38(14.8)
17 22(28.2) 76(29.7)
18 8(10.3) 22( 8.6)
School Middle school 27(34.6) 120(46.9) 0.056
High school 51(65.4) 136(53.1)
Table 3
Numbers of Treatment through School Doctor Program
Variables Nubmers of uses in school visiting program P-value
Age 13(N=28) 2.29±1.76 0.001
14(N=55) 2.05±1.34
15(N=64) 2.82±2.08a
16(N=59) 1.49±1.12b
17(N=98) 2.09±1.29
18(N=30) 2.10±1.52
School Middle school(N=147) 2.44±1.80 0.003
High school(N=187) 1.90±1.30
Gender Male(N=78) 2.36±1.63 0.153
Female(N=256) 2.07±1.53

a,b means statistically different by Bonferri analysis

Table 4
The Satisfaction of School Doctor Program in Korean Medicine
Variables Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Not bad Good Very Good P-value
Age 13 (N=28) 0(0) 1(3.6) 3(10.7) 8(28.6) 16(57.1) 0.683
14 (N=55) 0(0) 2(3.6) 7(12.7) 26(47.3) 20(36.4)
15 (N=64) 0(0) 1(1.6) 13(20.3) 20(31.3) 30(46.9)
16 (N=59) 0(0) 3(5.1) 6(10.2) 18(30.5) 32(54.2)
17 (N=98) 0(0) 2(2.0) 14(14.3) 39(39.8) 43(43.9)
18 (N=30) 0(0) 0(0.0) 4(13.3) 11(36.7) 15(50.0)
School M.S. (N=147) 0(0) 4(2.7) 23(15.6) 54(36.7) 66(44.9) 0.885
H.S. (N=187) 0(0) 5(2.7) 24(12.8) 68(36.4) 90(48.1)
Gender Male (N=78) 0(0) 0(0.0) 12(15.4) 29(37.2) 37(47.4) 0.409
Female (N=256) 0(0) 9(3.5) 35(13.7) 93(36.3) 119(46.5)
Total 0(0) 9(2.7) 47(14.1) 122(36.5) 156(46.7)

M.S. Middle school, H.S. High school

Table 5
Need for School Doctor Program in Korean Medicine
Variables No need Need P-value
Age 13(N=28) 1(3.6) 27(96.4) 0.940
14(N=55) 4(7.3) 51(92.7)
15(N=64) 4(6.3) 60(93.8)
16(N=59) 4(6.8) 55(93.2)
17(N=98) 9(9.2) 89(90.8)
18(N=30) 2(6.7) 28(93.3)
School Middle school(N=147) 9(6.1) 138(93.9) 0.505
High school(N=187) 15(8.0) 172(92.0)
Gender Male(N=78) 8(10.3) 70(89.7) 0.230
Female(N=256) 16( 6.3) 240(93.8)

Total 24( 7.2) 310(92.8)
Table 6
The Satisfaction of Health Consultation School Doctor in Korean Medicine
Variables Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Not bad Good Very Good P-value
Age 13 (N=28) 0(0) 1(3.6) 4(14.3) 8(28.6) 15(53.6) 0.614
14 (N=55) 0(0) 0(0.0) 14(25.5) 19(34.5) 22(40.0)
15 (N=64) 0(0) 0(0.0) 15(23.4) 28(43.8) 21(32.8)
16 (N=59) 0(0) 2(3.4) 9(15.3) 21(35.6) 27(45.8)
17 (N=98) 0(0) 2(2.0) 15(15.3) 42(42.9) 39(39.8)
18 (N=30) 0(0) 0(0.0) 5(16.7) 11(36.7) 14(46.7)
School M.S. (N=147) 0(0) 1(0.7) 33(22.4) 55(37.4) 58(39.5) 0.305
H.S. (N=187) 0(0) 4(2.1) 29(15.5) 74(39.6) 80(42.8)
Gender Male (N=78) 0(0) 0(0.0) 20(25.6) 23(29.5) 35(44.9) 0.079
Female (N=256) 0(0) 5(2.0) 42(16.4) 106(41.4) 103(40.2)
Total 0(0) 5(1.5) 62(18.6) 129(38.6) 138(41.3)

M.S. Middle school, H.S. High school

Table 7
The Satisfaction of Therapy & Treatment School Doctor Program in Korean Medicine
Variables Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Not bad Good Very Good P-value
Age 13 (N=28) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 4(14.3) 9(32.1) 15(53.6) 0.745
14 (N=55) 0(0.0) 1(1.8) 10(18.2) 18(32.7) 26(47.3)
15 (N=64) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 16(25.0) 21(32.8) 27(42.2)
16 (N=59) 0(0.0) 2(3.4) 12(20.3) 21(35.6) 24(40.7)
17 (N=98) 1(1.0) 4(4.1) 20(20.4) 38(38.8) 35(35.7)
18 (N=30) 0(0.0) 2(6.7) 2(6.7) 14(46.7) 12(40.0)
School M.S. (N=147) 0(0.0) 1(0.7) 30(20.4) 48(32.7) 68(46.3) 0.124
H.S. (N=187) 1(0.5) 8(4.3) 34(18.2) 73(39.0) 71(38.0)
Gender Male (N=78) 0(0.0) 3(3.8) 11(14.1) 28(35.9) 36(46.2) 0.614
Female (N=256) 1(0.4) 6(2.3) 53(20.7) 93(36.3) 103(40.2)
Total 1(0.3) 9(2.7) 64(19.2) 121(36.2) 139(41.6)

M.S. Middle school, H.S. High school

Table 8
The Satisfaction of Therapy School Doctor Program in Korean Medicine
Variables Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Not bad Good Very Good P-value
Age 13 (N=28) 0(0.0) 1(3.6) 6(21.4) 9(32.1) 12(42.9) 0.943
14 (N=55) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 14(25.5) 20(36.4) 21(38.2)
15 (N=64) 1(1.6) 2(3.1) 14(21.9) 26(40.6) 21(32.8)
16 (N=59) 0(0.0) 2(3.4) 14(23.7) 18(30.5) 25(42.4)
17 (N=98) 0(0.0) 3(3.1) 26(26.5) 37(37.8) 7(23.3)
18 (N=30) 0(0.0) 1(3.3) 9(30.0) 7(23.3) 13(43.3)
School M.S. (N=147) 1(0.7) 3(2.0) 34(23.1) 55(37.4) 54(36.7) 0.656
H.S. (N=187) 0(0.0) 6(3.2) 49(26.2) 62(33.2) 70(37.4)
Gender Male (N=78) 0(0.0) 1(1.3) 23(29.5) 25(32.1) 29(37.2) 0.700
Female (N=256) 1(0.4) 8(3.1) 60(23.4) 92(35.9) 95(37.1)
Total 0(0) 5(1.5) 62(18.6) 129(38.6) 138(41.3)

M.S. Middle school, H.S. High school

Table 9
Advantage for School Doctor Program in Korean Medicine
Male (N=78) Female (N=256) M.S. (N=147) H.S. (N=187)
Awareness of my condition 35 132 74 93
Therapy for symptoms 41 103 75 69
Get health information 26 104 51 79
Knowing for health management 21 115 68 68
Table 10
No Preferred Reasons for Korean Medical Clinic
Male (N=78) Female (N=256) M.S. (N=147) H.S. (N=187)
Preference for western medicine 27 101 56 72
Dislike for Korean therapy (Ex. Acupuncture, Moxa) 9 56 33 32
Not well konwoing for Korean medicine 10 45 23 32
No time for therapy 28 94 54 68


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