The aim of this study is reviewing the literature to extract the key parameter, study design, perspective, cost-effectiveness index and find the calibration parameter for the clinical study with economical evaluation protocol on facial palsy.
Literature search is performed using PUBMED for literature published from January 2000 to December 2016. We included randomized controlled trials(RCTs) and modelling study with economic assessment in which human participated.
As a result of literature search, the 198 articles were found. After reviewing the title, abstract and full text, the 5 articles were selected. Selected articles are classified into 4 RCT studies dealing with quality of life and 1 CEA(cost-effectiveness analysis) study.
We found reliable key parameters, calibration parameters and elements of economical assessment study, which might be necessary factors for developing research protocol of clinical trial with economic evaluation about facial palsy patients.
QoL, social interactions, personal appearance, visual function, perception of severity, physicians grading scale
Botulinum toxin injections are efficacious for synkinetic movements after facial paralysis and there are wide variations in personal perception of the degree of impairment.
Frank M. Sullivan (2007)
patients with Bell’s palsy (n=496) (recruited within 72 hours after onset of symptoms)
16 years or older (44.0±16.4)
1–6 (HBGS)
17 centers
prednisolone, acyclovir, both agents, placebo
recovery of facial function (HBGS)
QoL, appearance, pain, cost
Early treatment with prednisolone significantly improves complete recovery at 3 and 9 months but no evidence of acyclovir alone and combination
Sex, Age, Time between onset of symptoms and start of treatment
Sha-bei Xu (2013)
patients with Bell’s palsy (n=355)
18–65 yrs E:38.12±12.76 C:38.15±12.75
2–5 (HBGS)
11 centers
De qi group / needles without any manipulation
facial-nerve function(HBGS)
Acupuncture with strong stimulation(de qi) had a greater therapeutic effect
Sex, Age, Education, Occupation, Affected side
Petr Konecny (2014)
patients after stroke with chronic facial paresis (n=99)
mean: 60.0yr
2–5 (HBGS)
1 center
orofacial regulation therapy / without mimicry therapy
distances between mouth and earlobe, BDI-II, BI(QOL)
Orofacial rehabilitation therapy has a significant influence on mimicry, mental functions and overall quality of life
HBGS: House-Brackmann Grading Scale, QoL: Quality of Life, BDI: Beck Depression Inventory, BI: Bartel Index, VP: vertical palpebral distance, MCRD: lid margin to corneal light reflex distance FDI: Facial Disability Index, WHOQoL: World Health Organization’s Quality of Life, E:: experimental group, C: control group, NR: Not reported
Table 3
Summary of Reviewed Economic Evaluation Study.
First Author (Year)
Study design
Time horizon
Method of data collection
Assessment of cost effectiveness
Unit costs
RA Hernandez. (2009)
Decision analytic model
9 months
British National Health Service
Curtis& Netten
treatment: doses and length of trial medication
follow-up: number of contact, hospital based services
Ratio of the cost of administration of Prednisolone and/or acyclovir to placebo for treatment of BP
CEA: cost effectiveness analysis, BNF: British National Formulary, HUI: Health Utilities Index, BP: Bell’s palsy
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