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JKM > Volume 37(1); 2016 > Article
Jang: Review on the Meaning of ‘Youngin Eunhyung’ in Dongeui-Bogam



It has been some controversy about the interpretation of the sentence including ‘Youngin Eunhyung’ that was listed in the classic, Dongeui bogam (first published 1610). The purpose of this study is to demonstrate another assumption to interpretate the meaning of ‘Youngin Eunhyung’ in the sentence.

Methods and Results:

It was identified that the quotation of the original text of the sentence. The original text was Zhenglei bencao (Categorized Pharmacopoeia) (First edition in 1082) by Tang Shenwei and Shiliao bencao (Pharmacopoeia for Healing through Nutrition). (First edition in 721–739) by Meng Shen. It was found that there were the missing of five chinese characters in the sentence of Dongeui bogam, that it meant that ‘to get rid of the watery pus in the anterior chamber of eyeball’. So, I understand that the meaning of the sentence is related with one of the ophthalmologic disease. All the evidence supports this assumption, including the mystery of another sentence of the ‘blue dog’.


It is concluded that the treatment using in Dongeui bogam that means to alleviate the symptom of obstruction or indistinction of the vision field was caused by hypopyon. However, further scientific research is warranted to provide to support this opinion.

Fig. 1.
The hypopyon in the eye. It has obstructed the field of vision by watery pus in the anterior chamber of the eyeball.
Table 1.
The Original Text of ‘Youngin Eunhyung’ in Dongeui-Bogam, Zhenglei bencao, Shiliao bencao, and Bencao gangmu1,3,10,11).
東醫寶鑑 許浚 (1613 년) 雜病篇
隱形法: 白犬膽和通草桂心作末 蜜和爲丸 服能令人隱形靑犬尤妙 (本草)
牡狗 膽... 性平味苦 有小毒 主明目 去眼中膿水 又去腸中膿水 療鼻齆瘜肉痂瘍惡瘡 又治撲損金瘡瘀血. 上伏日採
熱酒調下久陳瘀血盡下 (本草)
證類本草 唐愼微 (1082 년) <目錄>卷第十七 <篇名>牡狗陰莖
‘膽’ 主明目,痂瘍惡瘡.
孟詵云∶膽去眼中膿水. 又白犬膽,和通草、桂爲丸服,令人隱形. 青犬 尤妙.
藥性論云∶狗膽,亦可單用. 味苦,有小毒。主鼻,鼻中息肉.
食療本草 孟詵 (721–739 년) 膽∶去腸中膿水. 又, 上伏日采膽, 以酒調服之. 明目, 去眼中膿水. 又, 白犬膽和通草、桂為丸服, 令人隱形。青犬
尤妙. 又, 主惡瘡痂癢, 以膽汁敷之止. 膽敷惡瘡, 能破血. 有中傷因損者, 熱酒調半 個服, 瘀血盡下.
本草綱目 李時珍 (1578 년) 獸部第五十卷
狗... 膽... (青犬、白犬者良)
【主治】明目 ([本經]. 鼎曰:上伏日采膽,酒服之). 敷痂瘍惡瘡 ([別錄]). 療鼻,酒服半個,瘀血盡下 (時珍). 治 刀箭瘡 ([日華]). 去腸中膿水. 又和通隱形 (孟詵).


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