AbstractPurpose:There is an issue in applying various principles introduced in established Korean medical classics to “Pharmaceuticals Approval, Notification and Review” of “herbal medicinal preparations” and “new drugs from natural products” that are used for western forms of medical treatment. Thus, an analysis of the origin, purpose, and application of established Korean medical classics in the Korean Pharmaceutical Affairs Act is essential.
Methods:We collected data regarding the origin, purpose, and application of established Korean medical classics in the Korean Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, and classified them by periodical change and subjects.
Results:Established Korean medical classics are applied as follows:
Conclusion:The application of Korean medical classics has been closely related with the change of the laws, regulations, and systems that are relevant to Korean medicine, and it seems to be more favorable for pharmacists than oriental pharmacists. Meanwhile, regulations that apply prescriptions that are recorded in Korean medical classics - dosage, indications, and preparation methods - as criteria for the approval of crude drug preparations for western medical treatment should be abolished.
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