J Korean Med. 2013;34(1): 103-115.
Research on Standardization of Sasang Typology Formulae English
Translation |
Hyun-Koo Kim1,2, Sang-Young Ahn3, Oh-Min Kwon1, and Sang-Woo Ahn1 |
1Medical History and Literature Research Group, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine 2Dept. of Medical History, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University 3Korean Medicine Policy Research Center, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine |
Corresponding Author:
Sang-Woo Ahn ,Tel: +82-42-868-9442, Fax: +82-42-868-9463, Email: dongjae11@gmail.com |
Received: September 28, 2012; Accepted: December 10, 2012. |
Objectives: This study proposes a new form of English translation in comparison with that shown in English books
related to Sasang Constitutional medicine formulae which have been published up to now.
Methods: This study formulated a new form of English translation guidelines by making a comparative analysis of the
English translation cases listed in 『Korean-English Dictionary of Oriental Medicine』, 『Longevity and Life
Preservation in Eastern Medicine』, and 『Introduction to Sasang Constitutional Medicine』.
Results: This study as a common rules suggested that names of preparation form should be placed at the very end of
the formula name and the first letters of the major words of the formula name should be capitalized. In addition, for
the sake of accuracy in English translation of the formula name, this study divided the formula names into 8 types.
The 8 sorts of types include: Ⓐ Materia Medica + Preparation Form, ⓑ Materia Medica + Indication + Preparation
Form, © Materia Medica Numbers + Preparation Form, ⓓ Indication + Preparation Form, ⓔ Concept + Preparation
Form, ⓕ Concept + Materia Medica + Preparation Form, ⓖ Concept + Indication + Preparation Form, ⓗ Etcetera.
In these types, medicinal herbs should be written in scientific name, and translation of indication can follow Noun+~ing
participle form. In case of the terms having a Korean-medicine-based meaning, this study aimed for source-oriented
Conclusions: This study provides a general English translation method and examples of the formula names for Sasang
constitutional medicine. |
Traditional Korean medicine (TKM) | Sasang typology | formula | standardization | Sasang
constitutional medicine |