AbstractObjectivesThis study was designed to investigate the clinical effectiveness of Ikgibohyeol-tang(Yìqìbǔxuè-tāng) granules and Deer antler granules on fatigue symptoms.
MethodsThis is a 39-patient case series from a retrospective chart review of outpatients who were treated with Ikgibohyeol-tang granules and Deer antler granules at a Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital (Seoul) between 1st, January 2015 to 1st, August 2021. We reviewed the patients who complained of fatigue and analyzed changes in the degree of discomfort with fatigue and accompanying symptoms and HRV (Heart Rate Variability) score before and after treatment.
ResultsAfter taking Ikgibohyeol-tang granules and Deer antler granules, the degree of discomfort with fatigue and accompanying symptoms decreased significantly compared to before taking them. After treatment, Autonomic nervous system activity, Stress resistance, Heart Stability increased, and Stress index, Degree of fatigue decreased significantly.
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