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JKM > Volume 41(2); 2020 > Article
Kim, Park, Choi, Lim, Ok, Noh, Song, Kang, Lee, and Kim: Application of Machine Learning to Predict Weight Loss in Overweight, and Obese Patients on Korean Medicine Weight Management Program



The purpose of this study is to predict the weight loss by applying machine learning using real-world clinical data from overweight and obese adults on weight loss program in 4 Korean Medicine obesity clinics.


From January, 2017 to May, 2019, we collected data from overweight and obese adults (BMI≥23 kg/m2) who registered for a 3-month Gamitaeeumjowi-tang prescription program. Predictive analysis was conducted at the time of three prescriptions, and the expected reduced rate and reduced weight at the next order of prescription were predicted as binary classification (classification benchmark: highest quartile, median, lowest quartile). For the median, further analysis was conducted after using the variable selection method. The data set for each analysis was 25,988 in the first, 6,304 in the second, and 833 in the third. 5-fold cross validation was used to prevent overfitting.


Prediction accuracy was increased from 1st to 2nd and 3rd analysis. After selecting the variables based on the median, artificial neural network showed the highest accuracy in 1st (54.69%), 2nd (73.52%), and 3rd (81.88%) prediction analysis based on reduced rate. The prediction performance was additionally confirmed through AUC, Random Forest showed the highest in 1st (0.640), 2nd (0.816), and 3rd (0.939) prediction analysis based on reduced weight.


The prediction of weight loss by applying machine learning showed that the accuracy was improved by using the initial weight loss information. There is a possibility that it can be used to screen patients who need intensive intervention when expected weight loss is low.

Fig. 1
Flowchart of dataset for analysis
Fig. 2
Data analytics lifecycle
Fig. 3
A schematic diagram of prediction analyses of weight loss.
The analysis for predicting weight loss was divided into three parts, and the weight loss at each time point refers to the change from the initial point of treatment to the point of weight report.
Fig. 4
Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves
Table 1A
Independent Variables Used in the First Analysis (n=25,988)
Age (years) 36.34 ± 10.5

Weight (kg) 72.69 ± 10.50

BMI (kg/m2) 27.60 ± 3.04

Patients with medication dose change (n, %) Stable 21,590 (83.08)
Increased 4,398 (16.92)

Gender (n, %) Male 2,292 (8.82)
Female 23,696 (91.18)

Dietary habits (n, %)* Light eating 749 (2.88)
Binge eating 10,817 (41.62)
Nighttime eating 8,197 (31.54)

Weight loss experience (n, %) None 6,575 (25.3)
Diet, exercise only or weight loss drug for less than 3 months 10,247 (39.43)
Weight loss drug over 3 months 9,166 (35.27)

Diseases (n, %)* High blood pressure 1,790 (6.89)
Anemia 1,922 (7.4)
Diabetes 676 (2.6)
Hypothyroidism 598 (2.3)
Hyperthyroidism 293 (1.13)
Gastritis 846 (3.26)
Reflux esophagitis 490 (1.89)
Hyperlipidemia 610 (2.35)
Low back pain 794 (3.06)

* multiple choices allowed

Data are expressed as n (%) for categorical variables and mean ± SD for continuous variables.

Table 1B
Independent Variables Used in the 2nd Analysis (n=6,304)
Variables Added Variables in 2nd Analysis


Age (years) 37.09±10.25 Weight2 (kg) 69.81±10.01
Weight (kg) 72.51±10.36 BMI2 (kg/m2) 26.55±2.94
BMI (kg/m2) 27.58±3.02 Prescription Period1–2 (days) 25.72±5.19

Patients with medication dose change (n, %) Stable 5217(82.76) (1st) Reduced BMI1–2 (kg/m2) 1.02±0.46
→3,847(61.02) (2nd)
Increased 1087(17.24) (1st) Reduced Rate1–2 (%) 3.71±1.6
→2,458(38.98) (2nd)

Gender (n, %) Male 527 (8.34) Reduced Weight1–2 (kg) 2.7±1.25

Female 5,777 (91.64) Symptoms of discomfort 1–2 (n, %)* Gastro-intestinal system 673 (10.68)

Dietary habits (n, %)* Light eating 198 (3.14) Central and peripheral nervous system 497 (7.88)
Binge eating 2,593 (41.13) Psychiatric Symptoms 204 (3.24)
Nighttime eating 1,888 (29.95) Autonomic nervous system 117 (1.86)

Weight loss experience (n, %) None 1,656 (26.27) Others 205 (3.25)

Diet, exercise only or weight loss drug for less than 3 months 2,449 (38.85) Satisfaction with weight loss 1–2 (n, %) Good 3,143 (49.86)
Weight loss drug over 3 months 2,199 (34.88) Fair 2,296 (36.42)

Diseases (n, %)* High blood pressure 487 (7.58) Poor 865 (13.72)

Anemia 445 (7.06) Satiety and appetite suppression 1–2 (n, %) Good 2,691 (42.69)
Diabetes 160 (2.54) Fair 1381 (21.91)
Hypothyroidism 148 (2.35) Poor 2232 (35.41)

Hyperthyroidism 88 (1.4) Attendance2 (n, %) 3,793 (60.17)
Gastritis 141 (2.24)
Reflux esophagitis 67 (1.06)
Hyperlipidemia 162 (2.57)
Low back pain 478 (3.16)

* multiple choices allowed

Data are expressed as n (%) for categorical variables and mean ± SD for continuous variables.

Table 1C
Independent Variables Used in the 3rd Analysis (n=833)
Age (years) 38.19 ± 10.42
Weight (kg) 73.96 ± 10.26
BMI (kg/m2) 28.3 ± 3.14
Patients with medication dose change (n, %) Stable 648(77.79) (1st)→481(57.74) (2nd)→324(38.90) (3rd)
Increased 185(22.21) (1st)→352(42.26) (2nd)→509(61.10) (3rd)
Gender (n, %) Male 51 (8.82)
Female 782 (91.18)
Dietary habits (n, %)* Light eating 23 (2.76)
Binge eating 349 (41.9)
Nighttime eating 242 (29.05)
Weight loss experience (n, %) None 215 (25.81)
Diet, exercise only or weight loss drug for less than 3 months 305 (36.61)
Weight loss drug over 3 months 313 (37.58)
Diseases (n, %)* High blood pressure 72 (8.64)
Anemia 49 (5.88)
Diabetes 26 (3.12)
Hypothyroidism 30 (3.6)
Hyperthyroidism 8 (0.96)
Gastritis 18 (2.16)
Reflux esophagitis 10 (1.2)
Hyperlipidemia 27 (3.24)
Low back pain 28 (3.36)

Added Variables in the 2nd Analysis Added Variables in the 3rd Analysis

Variables Variables

Weight2 (kg) 71.21 ± 9.81 Weight3 (kg) 68.97 ± 9.51
BMI2 (kg/m2) 27.25 ± 3.02 BMI3 (kg/m2) 26.39 ± 2.94
Prescription Period1–2 (days) 25.49 ± 5.24 Prescription Period1–3 (days) 58.57 ± 8.17
Prescription Period2–3 (days) 33.09 ± 6.53
Reduced BMI1–2 (kg/m2) 1.05 ± 0.46 Reduced BMI1–3 (kg/m2) 1.91 ± 0.71
Reduced BMI2–3 (kg/m2) 0.86 ± 0.48
Reduced Rate1–2 (%) 3.70 ± 1.54 Reduced Rate1–3 (%) 6.71 ± 2.31
Reduced Rate2–3 (%) 3.13 ± 1.74
Reduced Weight1–2 (kg) 2.75 ± 1.25 Reduced Weight1–3 (kg) 4.99 ± 1.93
Reduced Weight2–3 (kg) 2.24 ± 1.28
Symptoms of discomfort 1–2 (n, %)* Gastro-intestinal system 79 (9.48) Symptoms of discomfort 2–3 (n, %)* Gastro-intestinal system 72 (8.64)
Central and peripheral nervous system 80 (9.6) Central and peripheral nervous system 38 (4.56)
Psychiatric Symptoms 27 (3.24) Psychiatric Symptoms 24 (2.88)
Autonomic nervous system 14 (1.68) Autonomic nervous system 14 (1.68)
Others 42 (5.04) Others 29 (3.48)
Satisfaction with weight loss 1–2 (n, %) Good 463 (55.58) Satisfaction with weight loss 2–3 (n, %) Good 472 (56.66)
Fair 284 (34.09) Fair 264 (31.69)
Poor 86 (10.32) Poor 97 (11.64)
Satiety and appetite suppression 1–2 (n, %) Good 377 (45.26) Satiety and appetite suppression 2–3 (n, %) Good 343 (41.18)
Fair 186 (22.33) Fair 181 (21.73)
Poor 270 (32.41) Poor 309 (37.09)
Attendance2 (n, %) 586 (70.35) Attendance3 (n, %) 616 (73.95)

* multiple choices allowed

Data are expressed as n (%) for categorical variables and mean ± SD for continuous variables.

Table 2
Model Performance for Quartile Classification Bench Mark
Reduced Rate Reduced Weight

1st Bench mark DT1 RF1 LR1 ANN1 1st Bench mark DT1 RF1 LR1 ANN1
Upper 25% 4.87% 74.91% 74.91% 74.91% 74.78% Upper 25% 3.54kg 75.68% 75.70% 75.70% 76.12%
50% 3.75% 53.41% 54.73% 54.26% 55.01% 50% 2.68kg 59.47% 60.18% 59.05% 60.02%
Lower 25% 2.66% 74.80% 74.80% 74.70% 75.08% Lower 25% 1.90kg 75.27% 75.27% 75.29% 75.41%

2nd Bench mark DT2 RF2 LR2 ANN2 2nd Bench mark DT2 RF2 LR2 ANN2

Upper 25% 8.21% 78.81% 80.50% 80.39% 80.17% Upper 25% 5.94kg 82.51% 82.51% 81.13% 82.46%
50% 6.53% 71.04% 71.51% 71.67% 73.59% 50% 4.64kg 72.15% 73.36% 73.89% 75.79%
Lower 25% 4.87% 79.81% 79.39% 80.39% 80.96% Lower 25% 3.44kg 80.13% 80.34% 80.13% 81.22%

3rd Bench mark DT3 RF3 LR3 ANN3 3rd Bench mark DT3 RF3 LR3 ANN3

Upper 25% 10.66% 86.00% 90.00% 86.80% 86.31% Upper 25% 8.02kg 89.20% 90.00% 88.00% 87.51%
50% 8.68% 80.00% 83.20% 84.80% 83.91% 50% 6.22kg 86.00% 85.20% 84.40% 85.23%
Lower 25% 6.68% 84.00% 84.40% 85.60% 86.67% Lower 25% 4.72kg 87.60% 86.00% 86.40% 86.55%

DT: Decision Tree; RF: Random Forest; LR: Logistic Regression; ANN: Artificial Neural Network

Reduced rate of 1st Bench mark = (initial weight – weight at 2nd prescription)/ initial weight *100

Reduced rate of 2nd Bench mark = (initial weight – weight at 3rd prescription)/ initial weight *100

Reduced rate of 3rd Bench mark = (initial weight – weight at last weight report)/ initial weight *100

Table 3
Features of First and Fourth Quartile based on First Prediction Analysis
Reduced Rate Reduced Weight

More Than Upper 25% (n=6,554) Less Than Lower 25% (n=6,527) More Than Upper 25% (n=6,499) Less Than Lower 25% (n=6,507)
Age (years) 34.92 ± 9.58 37.52 ± 10.59 34.59 ± 9.37 37.84 ± 10.67
Gender (n, %) Female 5,930 (90) Female 5,918 (91) Female 5,400 (83) Female 6,118 (94)
Male 624 (10) Male 609 (9) Male 1,099 (17) Male 389 (6)
Height (cm) 162.28 ± 6.67 161.95 ± 6.71 164.22 ± 7.32 160.94 ± 6.26
Weight (kg) 72.76 ± 10.78 72.74 ± 10.5 77.68 ± 12.01 70.06 ± 9.26
BMI (kg/m2) 27.56 ± 3.01 27.68 ± 3.07 28.71 ± 3.23 27.01 ± 2.81
Diet 1 (n, %) 1,908 (29) 1,426 (22) 1,902 (29) 1,393 (21)
Diet 2 (n, %) 2,689 (41) 2,436 (37) 2,593 (40) 2,482 (38)
Diet 3 (n, %) 1,957 (30) 2,665 (41) 2,004 (31) 2,632 (40)
RR (%) 5.89 ± 0.82 1.67 ± 0.79 5.76 ± 0.98 1.71 ± 0.84
RW (kg) 4.29 ± 0.87 1.22 ± 0.61 4.42 ± 0.77 1.18 ± 0.56

Data are expressed as n (%) for categorical variables and mean ± SD for continuous variables.

Diet 1: Weight Loss Experience_None; Diet 2: Diet, exercise only or weight loss drug for less than 3 months; Diet 3: Weight Loss Experience_Weight Loss Drug over 3 Months; RR: Reduced Rate; RW: Reduced Weight

Table 4
Model Performance according to Variables Ranking Based on Feature Importance
Reduced Rate in 1st Analysis Reduced Weight in 1st Analysis

Ranking Variables DT (%) RF (%) LR (%) ANN (%) Variables DT (%) RF (%) LR (%) ANN (%)
7 Diet 1 52.19 52.19 52.19 52.44
6 MD_S 54.51 54.51 54.51 54.71
5 Diet 3 54.51 54.51 54.51 54.71
4 Gender 55.07 55.07 55.07 55.22
3 Diet3 52.39 52.39 52.39 53.44 Age 55.91 55.61 55.46 56.48
2 Weight 52.53 52.64 52.39 53.44 BMI 58.61 59.20 58.56 58.90
1 Age 54.06 54.05 53.79 54.69 Weight 58.78 60.06 59.05 59.95

Reduced Rate in 2nd Analysis Reduced Weight in 2nd Analysis

Ranking Variables DT (%) RF (%) LR (%) ANN (%) Variables DT (%) RF (%) LR (%) ANN (%)

8 Gender 54.65 54.65 54.65 53.44
7 SAS 1–2_G 57.14 57.14 57.14 57.63
6 SAS1–2 G 54.44 54.44 54.44 55.50 MD_S 57.77 57.77 57.77 58.60
5 SWL1–2 B 56.40 56.40 56.40 56.76 SWL1–2_B 59.73 59.73 59.83 60.01
4 Weight 57.24 56.50 56.50 57.12 Age 58.56 58.67 60.15 61.02
3 Age 55.97 57.03 57.40 59.18 SWL1–2_G 61.31 62.21 62.58 63.52
2 SWL1–2_G 60.94 61.52 62.42 62.21 Weight 64.16 64.64 64.11 66.23
1 RR 1–2 72.04 71.83 70.51 73.52 RR 1–2 73.41 73.15 72.20 75.33

Reduced Rate in 3rd Analysis Reduced Weight in 3rd Analysis

Ranking Variables DT (%) RF (%) LR (%) ANN (%) Variables DT (%) RF (%) LR (%) ANN (%)

4 Age 54.80 52.80 53.60 58.95 Age 59.20 59.20 58.00 61.95
3 Weight3 52.80 56.80 50.40 57.63 Weight 59.20 64.80 60.80 67.71
2 RR 1–2 70.80 73.60 69.20 71.55 RW 2–3 71.60 76.80 72.00 76.11
1 RR 1–3 80.00 81.20 81.60 81.88 RW 1–3 86.00 86.00 82.00 83.67

DT: Decision Tree; RF: Random Forest; LR: Logistic Regression; ANN: Artificial Neural Network; Diet 3: Weight Loss Experience_Weight Loss Drug over 3 Months; MD_S: Patients with Medication Dose Change_Stable; Diet 1: Weight Loss Experience_None; SAS 1–2_G: Satiety and Appetite Suppression 1–2_Good; SWL1–2_B: Satisfaction with Weight Loss 1–2_Bad; SWL1–2_G: Satisfaction with Weight Loss 1–2_Good; RR: Reduced Rate; RW: Reduced Weight

Table 5
Prediction Model Performance Results based on AUC
Algorithm Sensitivity Specificity AUC
1st Analysis Reduced Rate DT 0.557 0.524 0.551
RF 0.591 0.489 0.557
LR 0.576 0.499 0.546
ANN 0.574 0.497 0.550

Reduced weight DT 0.709 0.465 0.630
RF 0.609 0.591 0.640
LR 0.582 0.602 0.631
ANN 0.426 0.748 0.620

2nd Analysis Reduced Rate DT 0.722 0.719 0.791
RF 0.748 0.690 0.789
LR 0.734 0.677 0.785
ANN 0.805 0.606 0.785

Reduced weight DT 0.784 0.687 0.802
RF 0.764 0.700 0.816
LR 0.761 0.685 0.801
ANN 0.880 0.557 0.798

3rd Analysis Reduced Rate DT 0.762 0.836 0.890
RF 0.787 0.836 0.890
LR 0.852 0.781 0.897
ANN 0.828 0.789 0.880

Reduced weight DT 0.873 0.848 0.937
RF 0.873 0.848 0.939
LR 0.847 0.795 0.905
ANN 0.788 0.856 0.920

DT: Decision Tree; RF: Random Forest; LR: Logistic Regression; ANN: Artificial Neural Network; AUC: Area Under the Curve (0.90 – 1.00: excellent, 0.80 – 0.90: good, 0.70 – 0.80: fair, 0.60 – 0.70: poor, 0.50 – 0.60: fail)


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