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JKM > Volume 40(1); 2019 > Article
CHoi, Kim, Jin, and Koo: A Study on Correlation between Height Growth, Obesity and Bone maturity in Childhood



The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of short stature through a clinical review of factors related to childhood height growth. So we can find the way to meet the needs of the heightism which is widely spread among modern people.


Among 160 patients who came to Andong B oriental clinic for the purpose of growth therapy, 112 children whose height was smaller than other normal children were analyzed. When the children first came to the clinic, we checked their height and weight. The parents’ height was recorded through a questionnaire. The relationship between obesity index and height growth was examined through growth plate test and Inbody test. We want to identify the genetic factors related to parental factors based on the data of the parent height.


For short stature children, weight was often normal or low. When we examined the relationship between parental genetic factors and child growth, we found that they were more influenced by father’s height rather than mother’s. We investigated the correlation between skeletal maturity and the five viscera. There was no apparent correlation between skeletal maturity and the five viscera but we found that there was some degree of relevance.


For short stature children, the weight was often normal or low and parental genetic factors were more influenced by father than by mother. In the case of bone maturity it did not show a direct correlation between the five viscera.

Fig. 1
Scatter plot (① BMI & Mean height difference ② BMI & Predicted height ③ Fat regulation & Mean height difference ④ Fat regulation & Predicted height)
Fig. 2
Scatter plot (①Father’s average height difference & Child’s average height difference ② Mother’s average height difference & Child’s average height difference)
Table 1
General Characteristics of the Subjects

Characteristics Categories n (%)/Mean±SD
Gender Male 51 (45.5)
Female 61 (54.5)

Age x < 5 years 1 (0.9)
5 years ≤ x 10 years 44 (39.2)
10 years ≤ x 15 years 53 (47.3)
15 years ≥ x 14 (12.5)

Growth Mean height difference −6.1
Bone age difference −1.4230916

Obesity (BMI) x < 17: Underweight 36 (32.14)
17 ≤ x 22.5: Normal 56 (50)
22.5 ≤ x, 25.5: Overweight 12 (10.71)
x ≥ 25.5: Obesity 6 (5.36)

Parent’s height Height average (father) 169.9
Height average (mother) 156.8
Table 2
Pearson’s correlation coefficient
Mean height difference Predicted height
Correlation coefficient p-value Correlation coefficient p-value
BMI 0.29772 0.0016** 0.24099 0.0112*
Fat regulation −0.26893 0.0043** −0.16408 0.0853

* p < 0.05

Table 3
Analysis of variance
BMI Mean height difference Predicted height
Aver-age Standard Deviation p-value Post-verification Average Standard Deviation p-value Post-verification
x<17: Underweight −7.8 4.78757 0.029* 159.6 8.04763 0.0422*
2. 17 ≤ x<22.5: Normal −5.4 4.42699 164.1 6.7884
3. 22.5 ≤ x, <25.5: Overweight −4.5 2.55383 1=2=3=4 162.6 7.98246 1=3=4<2
4. x ≥ 25.5: Obesity −4.5 4.7116 163.8 8.35264

* p < 0.05

Table 4
Pearson’s correlation coefficient
Child’s average height difference
Correlation coefficient p-value
Father’s average height difference 0.23524 0.0125*
Mother’s average height difference 0.14721 0.1214

* p < 0.05

Table 5
Regression analysis
Univariate Multivariate Shapiro-Wilk Regularity verification
Regression coefficient Confidence interval p-value Regression coefficient Confidence interval p-value
liver −0.000409 (−0.01245,0.01163) 0.9464 −0.0011 (−0.01370,0.01141) 0.8635 <0.0001
heart 0.0023 (−0.01009,0.01468) 0.7139 0.00234 (−0.01195,0.01664) 0.7457 0.0005
spleen 0.0027 (−0.00906,0.01445) 0.6502 0.00288 (−0.01046,0.01622) 0.6692 0.0251
lung 0.00245 (−0.00905,0.01395) 0.6735 0.000976 (−0.01237,0.01432) 0.8849 0.1164
kidney 0.002 (−0.00900,0.01299) 0.7194 0.00132 (−0.01032,0.01295) 0.8229 0.0006

⇒ 폐를 제외하고는 정규성을 만족하지 않는다.


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